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Capital Group

About Capital Group

Capital Group has been singularly focused on delivering superior results for long-term investors using high-conviction portfolios, rigorous research, and individual accountability since 1931. As of June 30, 2023, Capital Group manages more than $2.3 trillion* in equity and fixed-income assets for millions of individuals and institutional investors around the world. Capital Group manages equity assets through three investment groups. These groups make investment and proxy voting decisions independently. Fixed-income investment professionals provide fixed-income research and investment management across the Capital organization; however, for securities with equity characteristics, they act solely on behalf of one of the three equity investment groups.

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* As at 30 June 2023. Source: Capital Group.

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The health care breakthrough that’s not an obesity drug

We are living in a golden age for innovation in health care, and it's not just confined to obesity wonder drugs. For instance, scientists are manipulating human DNA to find new ways to treat a wide range of diseases.

Tomorrow’s innovation, today’s investment opportunity

In an age of artificial intelligence bringing transformative changes to industries, innovative companies will continue to win, and win big. Here's a guide about how to identify the companies with long growth runways.

A guide to investing in a US election year

US Presidential elections can be divisive and unsettling, and at times, it can seem like the fate of the world hangs in the balance. But when it comes to investing, do elections really matter all that much?

Cash underperforms when rates peak

History tells us that hiding in cash isn't the best approach when interest rates peak. While equity markets have had a strong year driven by the ‘Magnificent Seven’ stocks, the rally might broaden to other sectors in 2024.

A struggling US dollar bodes well for markets outside America

Powerful tailwinds are forming behind certain areas of global equity markets that previously spent many years in the wilderness. Chief among them are stockmarkets in Europe and Japan, which have surged in recent months.

Reshoring supply chains: What does it mean for investors?

Perhaps the most consequential lesson from the pandemic for companies is that relying on single links in the global supply chain is a mistake. Here's how businesses are adjusting and the implications for investors.

Buying dividend growth over dividend yield

Investors should look beyond high-yield stocks to include dividend growers – ones that pay and consistently grow dividends. These stocks can more sustainably increase dividends and generate real long-term returns.

5 big trends shaping markets for the next decade

The world is undergoing significant changes and investors will need to reset their expectations about how a typical investing environment will look. Here are five seismic shifts that will define the next decade.

Braving bear markets: 5 lessons from seasoned investors

There are always reasons to sell equities, but the current economic and geopolitical events seem worse than most. Five experienced investors share their main lessons from 171 years in all types of markets.

Equity investing in an inflationary environment

How do investors build resilience into equity portfolios when faced with inflation? Dividend-income could play a more important role but at extremes of inflation, global equities have tended to struggle.

Five charts show investors should care about US midterm elections

Distracted by inflation and Ukraine worries, the market is overlooking that the US midterm elections due on 8 November 2022 usually impact equities. As US markets affect all others, what are the implications?

The future of media: It's game on, now!

Anyone investing in media must understand the momentous change and disruption underway. During a span of just 21 days, US$85 billion of M&A centred on video games, which is now bigger than the movie industry.

2022 outlook: buy a raincoat but don't put it on yet

In the 11th year of a bull market, near the end of the cycle, some type of correction is likely. Underneath is solid, healthy and underpinned by strong earnings growth, but there's less room for mistakes.

5 new trends driving the future of biotech companies

The biotech industry has seen an explosion of new techniques which will lead to innovative areas of growth in the use of cells and genes as medicine. Money for funding life sciences and biotech pharma has soared.

Sponsor White Papers

Health care: a sector under the weather?

Health care stocks underperformed significantly in 2023, with the US elections this year potentially causing further headwinds. However, there are plenty of reasons for optimism as we enter a ‘golden era’ of health care innovation.

Economic outlook: A mixed picture for global growth in 2024

Under the weight of elevated inflation and high interest rates, the world’s major economies are diverging. Surprising resilience in the US, Japan and India is helping to boost the global economic outlook for 2024, while ongoing signs of weakness in Europe and China are tempering expectations for the new year.

Has artificial intelligence reached a commercial tipping point?

While AI is likely on the brink of causing tectonic shifts across many companies and industries, as investors, it is vital to cut through current noise to analyse developments in the sector and the opportunities that could arise.

A framework for navigating uncertainty: high-quality bonds return to traditional role

Uncertainty over inflation and central bank policy is likely to remain high during 2023 with a wide range of possible outcomes for investment returns. This analysis points to one clear implication: the importance of investing in fixed income.

Growth that matters: investing in a world in transition

Today, interdecadal shifts are happening on three fronts – inflation, interest rates and geopolitics, triggering a change in equity market leadership (from growth to value stocks). In this paper, four Capital Group investment professionals share their thoughts on the global economy and how they are investing in a world in transition.

ESG Global Study 2022

Many investors are contemplating how to integrate ESG issues into their investment decisions. For our latest ESG study, we surveyed over 1,100 global professionals, including advisors, consultants and intermediaries to obtain in-depth ESG insights, thoughts on ESG trends and views regarding ESG regulation.

Attractive opportunities remain across four key credit markets

It has been a challenging year for fixed income markets in 2022 amid rising inflation and slowing global growth. While uncertainty is likely to remain elevated, today’s starting yields offer an attractive entry point for long-term investors.

10 trends that will define the future of emerging market investing

In this paper we share 10 themes that we believe will drive opportunities in emerging markets in the next 10 years, such as the revival in travel demand, the growth of digital platforms and the acceleration of mobile technology.

Weighing up the cost of ESG bonds

ESG bonds are an increasingly popular way for fixed income investors to signal that they are taking ESG seriously. But how do they compare to traditional bonds? And, how can investors avoid paying the so-called "greenium"?

The long view: Investing through adversity

Markets periodically experience corrections that are part of the investment environment and this volatility can provide opportunities for investors to upgrade their portfolios. History shows that staying invested through periods of volatility has rewarded long-term investors.

Guide to market recoveries: How to stay focused on long-term success

While bear markets can be difficult, they can also be periods of opportunity. To help put recent markets into perspective, this report outlines three facts about market recoveries and three mistakes that investors should avoid.

Refocus on retirement: 10 tips to help investors in the current environment

The COVID-19 crisis and its consequential economic and market impact represent the first serious challenge to the new generation of investors in retirement who have embarked on drawdown.

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An important Foxtel announcement...

News Corp's plans to sell Foxtel are surprising in that streaming assets Kayo, Binge and Hubbl look likely to go with it. This and recent events in the US show the bind that legacy TV businesses find themselves in.

Warren Buffett changes his mind at age 93

This month, Buffett made waves by revealing he’d sold almost 50% of his shares in Apple in the second quarter. The sale not only shows that Buffett has changed his mind on the stock but remains at the peak of his powers.

Wealth transfer isn't just about 'saving it up and passing it on'

We’ve seen how the transfer of wealth can work well, with inherited wealth helping families grow and thrive for generations, as well as how things can go horribly wrong. Here are tips on how to get it right.

Welcome to Firstlinks Edition 575 with weekend update

A new study has found Australians far outlive people in other English-speaking countries. We live four years longer than the average American and two years more than the average Briton, and some of the reasons why may surprise you.

  • 29 August 2024

The challenges of building a portfolio from scratch

It surprises me how often individual investors and even seasoned financial professionals don’t know the basics of building an investment portfolio. Here is a guide to do just that, as well as the challenges involved.

Welcome to Firstlinks Edition 573 with weekend update

Steve Eisman, best known for his ‘Big Short’ bet against US subprime mortgages before the 2008 financial crisis, is now long and betting on what he thinks are the two biggest stories of our time: AI and infrastructure.

  • 15 August 2024



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