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A reluctant investor’s guide to understanding bitcoin

Among the list of sweeping changes Trump has promised as President of the United States are specific initiatives that support bitcoin, including retaining bitcoin as a government-held reserve. Accordingly, the price of bitcoin has been breaking records, and surpassed the US$100,000 mark. Regardless of your previous thoughts on bitcoin, it’s worth understanding the basics, as it is clearly here to stay.

Many investors have, understandably, given bitcoin a wide berth, with its price ascension, volatility and lack of intrinsic value conjuring allusions to tulip mania and other speculative bubbles. However, the SEC ruling in the US earlier last year provided a crucial turning point for the cryptocurrency, establishing bitcoin as a legitimate asset and paving the way for a flurry of bitcoin ETFs in the US and locally on the ASX.

We could now be at the dawn of another pivotal moment for bitcoin, along with the broader asset class known as digital assets, with the Trump presidency.

How did we get here?

Currencies have undergone a number of evolutions in the last 100 years. It wasn’t all that long ago that the world relied on physical gold - up until the 1940s, countries tied the value of their currency to the amount of gold they physically held. And it was only in the 1970s that the world moved to floating currencies, whereby value was determined by supply and demand. Following the creation of the euro zone, we saw the first region-based rather than country-based currency. And now we have global currencies via cryptocurrencies.

The digitisation of the world has completely transformed almost every aspect of our lives, so it should be no surprise that currencies and money are also being transformed.

Cryptocurrencies are digital currencies and can be used to pay for goods and services, just like we do with paper-based money, and as a store of value, like gold. A unit of cryptocurrency is known as a ‘token’ or ‘coin’, and these are stored in an online ‘wallet’. In the same way we use specific exchanges for trading shares and ETFs, like the ASX and the NYSE, you can buy and sell units of various cryptocurrencies via specific online exchanges.

An important differentiator of cryptocurrencies is that they are ‘decentralised’, meaning they operate independently of any government or bank. Traditional currencies are managed by a country or region’s central bank, which influences its value via changes in interest rates, and supply controls via monetary policy. Cryptocurrency prices are not beholden to such influences.

Relying on an encrypted peer-to-peer system of exchange, cryptocurrency is derived from the word cryptography - the process of coding information so only the person intended to receive said information can decipher it. However, while we’ve come a very long way since The Enigma Code, investors should be mindful of the risk of crypto wallets and exchanges being raided and assets stolen. According to reports, hackers stole in excess of US$2 billion in cryptocurrency in 2024.

Bitcoin 101

Bitcoin is the most established and accepted cryptocurrency. It has become a significant currency both on- and offline and currently has a market capitalisation in excess of US$1.8 trillion1, which is higher than Berkshire Hathaway and Tesla2.

Now, more than ever, merchants and businesses are accepting bitcoin as a form of payment and infrastructure has been built to make it more convenient for the average person to use. Users can now buy and pay for items using bitcoin wherever PayPal is accepted. The development of user-friendly wallets, exchanges, and marketplaces has removed the technical barriers to entry that existed in bitcoin’s early years.

Since inception in 2009, bitcoin’s increase in value has been extraordinary. From trading below the US$500 mark in its early years, its current value hovers around US$106,000. Bitcoin’s historical performance can be characterised as extremely volatile yet upward trending.

Chart 1: Since 2013, bitcoin’s price has experienced dramatic highs and lows

Source: VanEck, Morningstar as at 31 October 2024. Representing the price of bitcoin is the MarketVector™ Bitcoin Benchmark Rate. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

Like gold, bitcoins are produced via ‘mining’. Only, instead of using specialised mining equipment such as drills, explosives, longwalls and excavators, bitcoin miners use hyper sophisticated computers to compete to solve complex mathematical problems. Bitcoins are the reward.

There will only ever be 21 million bitcoins in existence. This supply cap was designed intentionally and is one of the primary characteristics of bitcoin.

Furthermore, bitcoin has ‘halvings’ programmed into it. At each halving, bitcoin miners will earn half as many bitcoins as they did prior to the halving event. Halvings occur roughly every four years and result in a slowdown in the rate at which new bitcoins are introduced into circulation over time until it eventually reaches zero (estimated to occur around the year 2140). The last halving occurred on 20 April 2024. Historically, the price of bitcoin has rallied leading up to and following a halving.

While increasing scarcity can lead to increased value, investors have also been attracted to bitcoin as a portfolio diversifier. Bitcoin has a low correlation to traditional asset classes.

Chart 2: Bitcoin’s correlation to traditional asset classes

Source: Morningstar Direct, Ten-year correlation, 31 October 2024. Indices used: Australian Bonds is Bloomberg AusBond Composite 0+Y Index, Global bonds is Bloomberg Global Aggregate TR Hdg AUD Index, Bitcoin is MarketVector Bitcoin PR Index, Cash is AusBond Bank Bills Index, EM equities is MSCI Emerging Markets Index, Global equities is MSCI World ex Australia Index, A-REITs is S&P/ASX 200 A-REIT Index, Australian equities is S&P/ASX 200 Index, Gold is LBMA Gold Price PM.

Bitcoin as a mainstream asset class

The approval of bitcoin ETFs by the SEC and ASX has enabled the wealth management community and individuals to access bitcoin via a regulated and insured investment vehicle, opening up the asset class to institutional investors including hedge funds, sovereign wealth funds, pension funds, and registered investment advisors. The Trump administration plans to further solidify the cryptocurrency as a mainstream asset.

Trump was the first Presidential candidate to brand himself 'pro-crypto'. Among his pledges were:

  • A strategic national crypto stockpile;
  • A change in direction, in terms of approach to regulation and from the aggressive stance taken under the previous administration;
  • Ensure the US is the global centre of bitcoin mining; and
  • Fed rate cuts, which have historically boded well for bitcoin.

According to our latest Australian Investor Survey, more than 1 in 10 respondents are considering investing in a bitcoin ETF in the next 12 months. Meanwhile 95% of Australian financial advisers would consider allocating to a bitcoin ETF, according to the 2024 VanEck Smart Beta Survey.

1Coindesk, as at 19 November 2024

2Bloomberg, as at 19 November 2024

The VanEck Bitcoin ETF (ASX: VBTC) offers investors exposure to the price of bitcoin while providing institutional-grade protection of the bitcoin investment.

Key risks: An investment in VBTC involves extremely high risk and the potential for loss of all capital invested. Investors should actively monitor their investment as frequently as daily to ensure it continues to meet their investment objectives. Risks associated with an investment in VBTC include those associated with pricing risk, regulatory risk, custody risk, immutability risk, ASX trading time risk, concentration risk, environmental risk, currency risk, operational risk, underlying fund risk and forking risk. See the VanEck Bitcoin ETF PDS and TMD for more details.

Russel Chesler is Head of Investments and Capital Markets at VanEck, a sponsor of Firstlinks. Russel is responsible for managing VanEck's Australian ETFs. This is general information only and does not take into account any person’s financial objectives, situation or needs. Any views expressed are opinions of the author at the time of writing and is not a recommendation to act.

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tony mondeo
January 26, 2025

If you searched and drilled for gold,you then can sell it for hard cash

But no one searched for bitcoin,they simply made it up out of thin air

then bought a pizza with it,why dont we all create virtual money,and see what we can buy with it!

will anyone from another planet accept bitcoin,or will they want gold coins ????

January 26, 2025

A natural sceptic but three things have made me think:
1. The advent of Etf's gives me "lower" risk and complexity to navigate
2. The younger generation are true believers
3. We live in a world where almost every country is running massive deficits on the credit card that will ultimately implode. When, not if, that happens any hard asset with finite Supply, notably Gold, will run. "If" you believe that 21 million Bitcoin limit will hold, come Armageddon, Bitcoin will run harder!

My conclusion, albeit uncomfortably, it has a place in a portfolio, roughly equal to Gold exposure

peter care
January 24, 2025

In my opinion, buying bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency is not an investment, it is buying a lottery ticket, i.e it is gambling. .
The whole point of holding bitcoin and other crypto is to hoard it, in the hope that one day somebody will buy it off you by paying you more fiat currency than what you paid for it.

If you ask any holder of bitcoin how much it is worth they will say x us dollars or y euros or z australian dollars. Not one will respond, a bitcoin is worth one bitcoin.

That tells me holders of bitcoin value US dollars, Euros, or Australian dollars more than they value bitcoin.
As a medium of exchange bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are a failure. Unlike gold and silver which can be used for Jewellery or industrial purposes, bitcoin is useless.
Even if the doomsday preppers turn out to be right, hoarded tinned goods and water would have a value, hoarded bitcoin would have no value.
Speculate to your hearts content, but buying bitcoin is not investing.

January 24, 2025

As far as I understand you can purchase fractions of bitcoin. If this is true, then by definition doesn’t that make it infinitely divisible and therefore infinite. Not sure the 21 million coin limit really matters if you can trade it in fractions.

January 24, 2025

Like a teenager refusing to consider, let alone, listen to parental input but running to them for cover selectively ("I am your child..."), those spooked by red tape and government regulations for their own sake have confected decentralised tokens to be mined, maintained and exchanged through wallets beyond the authorities.
Liberty at last.
FOMO is fiercely at work.
Until things go pear-shaped, given that someone forgot to remind the crypto innovators that fraudsters, those clever enough to game the system (professionals?) and corrupt authorities prosper at their cost.
So when the next loot happens, whom do you ask?
Imagine Ayn Rand and other anarchists and nihilists cursing the state for not protecting them.
While all fiat currencies are exposed to fraud, losses and economic forces (remember Mugabe?), the seeming similarity of crypto currency to fiat state-backed medium of exchange would vanish at enforcement,
Watch the serial unfold, but unless looking for infestment, stay away. And tell your super trustees to keep off.

John Storey
January 24, 2025

A reluctant "speculator's" guide to understanding bitcoin may be a more appropriate title for this article.

January 24, 2025

Bitcoin is not currency.

Mark Hayden
January 24, 2025

I wonder how many advisers responded to a VanEck Smart Beta Survey. Very few would be my guess. Then to say "Meanwhile 95% of Australian financial advisers would consider allocating to a bitcoin ETF, according to the 2024 VanEck Smart Beta Survey" seems like a snippet from a social media article. Not worthy of being in FirstLinks. My view is Crypto may be a proxy for Gold, but without the intrinsic value. Long-term investors do not need to invest in Bitcoin.

January 24, 2025

I still don't know why you'd want a currency to appreciate in value. What if you had a home loan denominated in Bitcoin. Previously you owed $50,000 but now you owe $5 million now that the value of Bitcoin has gone up!?!

How can it be used as a stable currency (rather than being seen as an odd collectible) if you can't denominate basic things like loans in it?

January 24, 2025

People will denominate their home loans in their currency of account in which most transactions occur. If it appreciates relative to others, like Aussie dollar appreciating, it does not matter as the servicing will be in that currency.

John G
January 24, 2025

The only valid reason for mining bitcoin is to hold down the price. If there was no increase in supply (mining) the laws of supply and demand would apply as normal and the price vary accordingly. It has no utility other than as a medium of exchange. A government ban could wipe it out overnight but that would be hard to do at this late stage as the market cap is so high. While such action would severely affect criminal activities the greater effect would felt by individuals sucked into speculation. A sudden loss of all that purchasing power could also have economic repercussions.

"The only valid reason for mining bitcoin is to make it look like a commodity such as gold. The periodic halving of coins being mined creates a sense of scarcity."

January 30, 2025

that is such an uneducated take. you clearly do not understand bitcoin.

John G
January 24, 2025

The only valid reason for mining bitcoin is to hold its price down. If there was no increase in supply (mining) the laws of supply and demand would apply as normal and the price vary accordingly. It has no utility other than as a medium of exchange. A government ban could wipe it out overnight but that would be hard to do at this late stage as the market cap is so high. While such action would severely affect criminal activities the greater effect would felt by individuals sucked into speculation. A sudden loss of all that purchasing power could also have economic repercussions.

January 23, 2025

I don't get it! cryptocurrencies have no intrinsic value other than as a vehicle for criminals and terrorist organizations to fund their operations. Yet we have anti money laundering Laws, Austrack and red tape in an attempt to catch unlawful activities but cryptocurrencies are legally accepted and not subject to the same scrutiny. it doesn't make any sense to me. Further what if the lights go out like in Ukraine?

January 23, 2025

The oft repeated claim that Bitcoin is limited to 21 million coins is not backed by any physical, legal or other binding restraint. Since Bitcoin miners make their money from mining (creating) Bitcoin it will be in their interest to continue past the 21 million. The “limit” of 21 million is a convention that could and I expect will, be broken.

Ian Nettle
January 23, 2025

Thanks for the article. I have tried to understand. For me, I have decided that when you will accept bitcoin as payment for my subscription I will jump on board!!

Also have major concerns about the energy required in the mining of bitcoin.


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