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Welcome to Firstlinks Edition 534 with weekend update

  •   9 November 2023
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The Weekend Edition includes a market update plus Morningstar adds links to two additional articles.

A special note to our readers

Many people in the Firstlinks community have been reading my articles and editorials for 10 years or more, and worked with me for decades before that, and deserve an explanation for why I have suddenly stopped writing each week.

We also know from our Reader Surveys in Firstlinks that much of our audience is in older generations and have no doubt been through their own health issues over the years. Life deals a multitude of circumstances that we face, good and bad. So while I don't want to exaggerate my case, I want to outline briefly what has happened.

A couple of weeks ago, I went to Sydney's North Shore Hospital due to numbness on the right side of my body. Initial scans confirmed a brain tumour, and subsequent MRIs showed cancer has spread to many parts of my thalamus, a highly sensitive section in the middle of the brain. Following consultation with a leading neurosurgeon, it was decided the tumour cannot be removed by surgery due to the risks in the location.

I underwent a biopsy and exploratory surgery last week to diagnose the type of cancer, confirming glioma, which can grow quickly and destroy healthy brain cells, but with variable outcomes. Further scans showed the cancer has not spread to other parts of my body. The treatment is expected to rely on radiation targeted directly at the tumour over an initial programme of six weeks, depending on the oncology judgement and doses, supplemented by chemo.

I am 65 and I expected to live a long life, writing productively for maybe another 25 years. I am rarely sick, take no medications, drink little, never smoke, eat well. I write about superannuation and longevity and independence in a long retirement and assumed this was my future. Now, it seems unlikely.

I want you to know that while I am shocked by this turn, I will fight it with the best medical care in Australia, which is as good as anywhere in the world. I have accepted the outcome, whatever it is, and I am not thinking 'why me?' because life takes many turns. I've had a fortunate life and a wonderful family living in this great city and country.

We all have to make the most of the time we have. I am optimistic and no doubt many of you have experienced the full range of outcomes in these circumstances. Perhaps treatment will go well and somebody will remind me in five years that I wrote this too early without enough information. Friends who have faced different types of cancer have lived beyond expectations. But the doctors say I might have a few months or a year or more so I have chosen to write to my readers with some background on my absence.

Morningstar and my colleagues have been highly supportive and encouraging, focussing only on my health needs while they take care of business. I hope to return to Firstlinks in future and resume our conversations. Firstlinks has become a community of over 100,000 active users and it will long continue.

(Footnote: I am extremely touched by the hundreds of messages of support that have come in. I have read them all but my apologies that I don't have the headspace (literally, now!) to respond to each. I have posted some direct emails to the Firstlinks website as my best way to share your wishes. Many thanks.)

Graham Hand

To this week's edition...

Superannuation funds are fast becoming the dominant force in Australian funds management. Today, we feature an interview with one of the most powerful and well-respected investment bosses in the industry, John Pearce of UniSuper. John covers an array of topics including UniSuper's recent investments, why the 60/40 portfolio's time has come, how history isn't a guide to the future and governments not central banks are to blame for stubborn inflation.

The ASX 200 is around the same price as it was in 2007. That's excluding dividends, though even with their inclusion, Australian stock returns have been mediocre. It would be easy to blame the GFC or pandemic, though Roger Montgomery thinks there are deeper, structural issues at play. And these need to be addressed for returns to improve.

ASX small caps have underperformed larger companies for a long time. It's likely to turn around at some point, but when is impossible to say. Tribeca's Simon Brown explains why small caps are worth exploring now and looks at three stocks that he believes are set to take off.

It's said that real estate is Australia's national sport. Sad, though perhaps true. Because of this, there are a lot of opinions on the issue, much of it driven by vested interests and emotion. Phoenix Portfolios' Stuart Cartledge has an excellent piece laying out the industry's supply and demand issues, and he also throws in several stocks that should benefit from the long-term housing shortage.

It's difficult to predict when the next recession will happen. That said, it doesn't hurt to consider which investments are likely to do best in a future downturn. Morningstar's Amy Arnott takes a deep dive through history to look at investing during a recession from multiple angles, including asset classes, factors, and sectors. 

The RBA went on a bond buying spree during the pandemic and is now sitting on tens of billions in paper losses. That's pushed its balance sheet into negative equity. If it were business, it'd be bankrupt. As it's not, what does it mean for the RBA going forward and what lessons can be learned from the poor decisions of the past? Tony Dillion has some answers.

For 30 years until 2019, stocks and bonds had a negative correlation - when stock prices rose, bonds declined, and vice versa. Many investors were shocked when the correlation turned positive in 2022. MFS' Rob Almeida says get used to it because what investors thought was normal for 30 years was anything but. If he's right, it has huge implications for future asset allocation.

Two extra articles from Morningstar for the weekend. Christine St Anne asks whether Westpac can deliver on growth and dividends, and Morningstar looks into whether Xero offers value after disappointing the market with its result.

Lastly, in this week's whitepaper, Meg Heffron, investigates the ins and outs of SMSF pensions for 2023-2024.


Weekend market update

On Friday in the US, the 'Magnificent Seven' tech stocks led a Wall Street surge higher with the S&P 500 finishing 1.6% higher, and the NASDAQ up 2.1%. Helping market sentiment was a steadier US Treasury market, with the 10-year yield slipping one basis point to 4.62%. Oil also steadied with Brent retaking the $US80 a barrel level. Gold was lower, while iron ore extended its rally, pressing through $US126 a tonne in Singapore.

From AAP Netdesk:

On Friday, the Australian share market pulled back from its three-week highs, following hawkish comments by US Fed chairman Jerome Powell. The benchmark S&P/ASX200 index finished down 38.4 points, or 0.55%, to 6,976.5, while the broader All Ordinaries fell 38.5 points, or 0.53%, to 7,176.6. For the week, the ASX200 was basically flat, dropping 1.7 points.

On Friday every sector in finished in the red. Utilities were the biggest laggard, dropping 1.7%. Origin Energy fell 2.5% to $8.65 as various parties manoeuvred ahead of the November 23 shareholder vote on its pending $16 billion takeover by a private equity consortium led by Brookfield.

All four big retail banks finished lower, with NAB down 1.7% to $28.46, Westpac down 1.6% to $20.86, ANZ dropping 1.3% to $25.47 and CBA falling 0.8% to $101.32.

In the heavyweight mining sector, BHP gained 0.7% to $45.27, Fortescue climbed 1.3% to $23.75 and Rio Tinto added 0.3% to $120.42.

News Corporation's ASX-listed CDIs gained 0.2% to $34.75 after the media conglomerate posted $US2.5 billion ($A3.9 billion) in revenue for the three months ended September 30, a 1% increase from a year ago.

APM Human Services plunged 20.7% to an all-time closing low of $1.76 after health and human services provider's CEO told its annual general meeting that record-low unemployment rates were affecting client flows into the employment programs it runs for governments in Australia and the UK.

ResMed fell 2.6 per cent to $22.39 as the respiratory product device maker announced a restructuring of its leadership team, with several new roles added and the retirement of current president and chief operating officer Rob Douglas.

In small caps, Pantoro soared 23.1% to a two-month high of 4.8c after agreeing to sell certain mineral rights at its Norseman gold project in Western Australia to Mineral Resources for up to $60 million.

Curated by James Gruber and Leisa Bell


A full PDF version of this week’s newsletter articles will be loaded into this editorial on our website by midday.

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Andrew Fartek
November 24, 2023

So sorry to hear about this. Our thoughts are with you and your family. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

John Green
December 17, 2023

Graham, I well remember the lasting impact which your presentation which I attended in Canberra left. Many thanks for your ongoing diligence and the independence of your advice which I am convinced will continue as you return to health. Please take care and recover, we need people like you.

Ray Falzon
November 20, 2023

I am very sorry to hear your news.
You have brought so much insight and wisdom to the many readers of these pages, I think many of us feel we know know personally.
I have also faced uncertainty, having experienced leukaemia and open heart surgery during my working life. Modern medicine is indeed the miracle of our times.
I pray everything goes well for you, and wish you all the best for a strong recovery.

November 18, 2023

Wishing and especially praying that you win your fight Graham.
God Bless you and your family.

November 17, 2023

Graham, all the best in your fight against cancer. Your focus now should be your health and your family. Thanks for letting us know.

Rod Thomas
November 17, 2023

Just caught up with your personal article. Wishing you all the best mate. Stay strong

Tony Fitzgerald
November 16, 2023

Graham, this is crap news. As expected you are dealing with it strongly. I will push positive vibes your way, but it seems you have the positive attitude sorted even in this terrible situation. Tony

Phil F
November 16, 2023

Graham, at 63 I was diagnosed with throat cancer , having had much the same healthy lifestyle as yourself, this came as a shock. However after hard work, prayer and 7 weeks of radio and chemo therapy and the excellent care of the team at Peter Mac, I am cancer free. This happened 7 years ago, there is hope. This episode in my life made me think about what our most important asset is, I believe it is our health. Thoughts and prayers with you and your family at this time. Phil F

Mary McLaughlin
November 16, 2023

Thank you, Graham, for all the insights that you have shared over the years, including this latest and most personal. Thoughts with you and your family.

Geraldine Doogue
November 15, 2023

Graham. Thank you so much for updating us. I can merely wish you well: let’s hope/pray those drugs give you much more life. You never know!

Craig Ellis
November 15, 2023

Hi Graham

I read in awe of the strength you showed in publicly sharing your personal challenge to the Firstlinks community. A diagnosis of cancer is so confronting and personal and a decision to be so open is a testament to your selflessness in thinking of those you have helped invest through the publication over the past decade.

The journey will be tough and I’m sure that along with the support of your family and a great medical team you are up to the fight.

I wish all the very best.

Chris Davis
November 14, 2023

I dont know what to say, and nothing I said would be of any use to you.
I wish you all the best for your treatment and outcome. I thank you for your valuable insights over the years, and your last piece of advice is perhaps the most important of all for all of us. ( and something we easily forget as we get caught up in the "busyness" of life.
Thank you Graham.

Peter and Helene
November 14, 2023

Graham, I was genuinely shocked to read your extremely well penned note to your subscribers. None of us know what the future ( or even the present) can hold for us. But to be able to face the challenges you do with the clarity of mind and purpose your note displays is an example to us all. Genuinely, my very best regards and wishes for the outcomes you look for. You, Debbie and the family will remain in our thoughts and prayers. Go well.

peter taylor
November 13, 2023

Very sad and thought provoking news Graham. There is no sugar coating that diagnosis. Its only recently I thought considering how few people I knew that a surprising number had been faced with medical challenges that have not ended well . I constantly read and heard and so was led to believe we were all living longer and needed to be prepared financially. . While thats partially true when I research our longliverty about 1 in 4 of us dont make it to 70 or about 25%.. So 1 chance in 4 which did give me a sense of small regret for not retiring earlier. My thoughts have been often with you since I read your post as I ponder the lottery of life.

John Dunn
November 14, 2023

My thoughts and prayers are with you Graham. You are in the best country for excellent medical treatment and
, most importantly, you have a wonderful positive outlook on the dice are loaded in your favour.
Warm regards.

Emma & Miles
November 14, 2023

…I’m so sorry Graham.

You are so courageous for sharing your story and letting us all know what has been going on for you personally. The 264 comments say it all really and just illustrate how loved and appreciated you are.

Thank you for reminding me how precious this one life is and please know that I am sending as much healing and loving power to you as I can.

November 14, 2023


I am very sorry to read about your situation. I've enjoyed reading FirstLinks for many years, including when it was CuffeLinks. Your announcement inspires me with the positive tone in which it is written. Maintain your fighting spirit and mental and emotional resilience, as that can only help your body fight the good fight against the cancer. I wish you all the best.

Roger White
November 14, 2023

I am incredibly saddened to learn your terrible news. Strength to you and your family.
Yet, the humility and grace with which you are handling this dire situation is classic Graham Hand.

Adrian Harrington
November 13, 2023

I saw your note in Firstlinks. I am truly sorry to hear that you have cancer.

I was touched by your heartfelt and honest note to your readers. It just reinforces how precious life is and how much we can get caught up in the moment. All the best as you fight this truly ugly cancer. I look forward to reading more of your articles.


Liam Shorte
November 13, 2023

Graham, all I can do is wish you the very best and encourage you to fight the illness with a positive mind knowing there are thousands of us in your corner.

Gary Walters
November 13, 2023

Graham, I am so sorry to hear your news and am hoping for the best possible outcome. I appreciate so much the vast amount of useful information and advice you have provided over the years. As you said, one never knows in advance an outcome, but I think of a good friend of mine who was given one year to live with bowel cancer, and he is still going quite well some six years later. May you be the same ,mate.

Rob Erskine
November 13, 2023

Morning Graham, all the best to you. This is far from the end. Good luck and Godspeed.

November 13, 2023

Wow. It's a reminder that we always think of these things as being something that happens to others and that it won't happen to us. But what I recognise here is that our quality of life is more important than longevity. I don't think any of us want to go out with regrets. If our time comes sooner than expected, we may be at peace with it if we know that it was not a life wasted and we made the most of it. I'm looking forward to reading more of your articles, however many that may be. (And hopefully it will be many!) :)

November 13, 2023

Sorry to hear that Graham.Fingers ,toes and everything crossed for you.I'm not very good at this but I really really hope and wish that everything turns out well.All the best.

Alan Khaw
November 13, 2023

I am so sad to hear of the cancer. I have been reading your articles since the beginning. I wish you all the best in fighting it, and a good outcome for you.

John Pearce
November 13, 2023

Hi Mate
Still full of stoicism, wisdom and positivity; the very attributes you demonstrated decades ago when you took me under your wing and mentored me at a formative stage. I thoroughly enjoyed our recent lunch and interview, and I'm looking forward to our next one. And we'll be having a beer next time.
Stay strong mate.

November 13, 2023

I echo the above sentiments and wish you well.

November 13, 2023

All the best Graham, I hope your treatment goes well

November 13, 2023

Hello Graham, I am one more reader who has never met you face to face, whom you have never met. I have, however, spent a lot of team reading your words and the words you have curated and edited and making the occasional comment. You have impacted my life and my thinking and I have a great regard and appreciation for your Firstlinks presence. My best wishes to you in this challenging health time. Regards Greg Adelaide

Robin Wood
November 13, 2023

Hi Graham
What can one say that has not been said? Sending sincere best wishes, positive vibes and hugs to you, your family and friends.
Robin Wood

Michael Larsen
November 13, 2023

Graham, I was saddened to see the news about the cancer. Know that I will be praying for you. I have such fond memories of the project we worked on together for CFS and RA.

Warmest regards,

Trevor Matthews
November 13, 2023

Oh dear Graham, I too am shocked by the sad news. Congratulations on the way you are facing this challenge and for communicating the issue so eloquently. You give us all food for thought. I am yet another who has benefited from your words of wisdom so am very appreciative. Very best wishes.

Ian Payne
November 13, 2023

Hi Graham - I was deeply saddened to read your most recent article. We go back many years and I have always valued our CBA association and your post-CBA writings (even the ones critical of banks!).
I wish you the continuing strength to cope and the ability to accept with equanimity what you cannot change. And to never discount the possibility of a medical breakthrough.

Warm regards & best wishes.

Jeremy Cooper
November 13, 2023

Graham, thanks for letting all your friends and the wider Firstlinks community learn of this very sad news from the horse's mouth. My heartfelt sympathies go to you, your family and friends. We have all benefited from what you've achieved with Cuffelinks/Firstlinks and I have enjoyed so many of your articles. Particularly, and even more poignantly now, the mid-year travelogues on your return to Europe as a more mature backpacker. Many great memories. Kind regards Jeremy Cooper

Kelly P
November 13, 2023

Best wishes to you Graham

Faye Ingleton
November 13, 2023

Thank you I always enjoy reading your insights and learn something.
Saddened by your news ,Kindest wishes

James Jagodnik
November 12, 2023

My heart goes out to you and your family Graham. Thank you for your years of dedication to financial education and more broadly on living a good life. I wish you strength and courage for the journey ahead.

David Williams
November 12, 2023

Best wishes, Graham. Your editorial leadership and professional insights have set a standard which I hope will remain a treasured attribute of Firstlinks long past all your current readers. Thanks for your inspiration which I hope will continue for us all.
David Williams

November 12, 2023

What can I say? Of all the financial writers, in all the media, over all the years, your words have made the most sense to me, by style, evidence and logic. I have learned from you and I have come to trust your observations.

What you may find helpful at this difficult time are the stoic Meditations of Marcus Aurelius. Basically with bad news, not why me, but why not me. It's not a defeatist approach but a how to mentally deal with it approach. Ganbatte.

November 12, 2023

Hello Graham
First time I ever made a comment.
You were outstanding as editor and article writer. Always loved reading your articles especially when they were spiced with music of yesteryears and fussball!
Firstlink is the only magazine/letter than I read because of its high quality article. A real tribute to your energy and enthusiasm.
My thoughts go to you, and your dear wife, and wishing you to maintain your positive energy to eventually enjoy a well deserved retirement in your 80s and 90s.
Nic Canberra

Terry Keeling
November 12, 2023

I'm not surprised that you have so many admirers and I can only add my best wishes for your recovery; I hope that we are helping you and your family at least a little in this fight and that the treatment is successful.

Thanks for all your articles and may there be many more.

John Matthews
November 12, 2023

Hi Graham

Thank you for sharing such personal news. I am thinking of you and, like everyone else, hoping for the best outcome. Stay positive. John M

Marjorie Johnston
November 12, 2023

Dear Graham
I am very shocked to hear this news - your courage is amazing. With many others, I have found your newsletter and its insights very informative over many years.
I hope the treatment is successful. Again, with many others, I am thinking of you and looking ahead for a positive outcome. Warmest regards. Marjorie J

Marina Saunders
November 12, 2023

Dear Graham,
I was deeply saddened to hear you latest news.
Thank you for your unsights over the years.
Best regards to your family
My hopes are for your successful treatment and a long and joyful life with your family.

Greg Wright
November 12, 2023

Dear Graham
Thinking of you and your family at this difficult time ??. Sending you positive energy. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Keep up the fight and your Spirits.
Sincerely Greg

Clive Wilson
November 12, 2023

Hi Graham, keep it going mate .... I remember SBNSW Treasury and our university days with great fondness. You have never been a whinging pom which made me question your heritage at times. As you know i was the whinging pom in the dealing room because you delegated and left that role up to me ... happy to oblige. Thoughts are with you GH. Cheers Clive

Andrew Howse
November 12, 2023

Joining with everyone in wishing you strength and a positive outcome. Thank you for the amazing source of inspiration and insights you have helped build with Firstlinks.

Jeanette P
November 12, 2023

Your positive attitude and bravery is an inspiration to us all.
Wishing you all the best in the months ahead

Graeme Burke
November 12, 2023

Like all your readers it was a profound shock to hear of your illness- wishing you strength and positivity and the best that modern science can provide

Graham you are one of life’s real gentlemen, having worked beside you at First State admiring your calm and professional demeanor. I have very fond memories of playing football at the Domain

Firstlinks is a brilliant thoughtful and indispensable guide for investors

Best wishes and keep looking ahead

Graeme Burke

Elie Agzarian
November 12, 2023

I worked with Graham many moons ago. Like many of our colleagues we admired Your cool style and depth of knowledge. Mate you can beat this. My thoughts and prayers are with you. It’s a hard road but your determination will beat it. Think of it has having to argue with economists..Difficult but certainly doable.!!!!!!!!

George Stephenson
November 12, 2023

You’re a man after my own heart, Graham, with your wit, wisdom, energy and humility. I’ve learnt much over the years from your writings and commentary. And now you show the ability to grasp in an instant the significance of what is happening to you, to turn on a sixpence and face squarely this new unexpected battle ahead.
The news is shocking but not devastating. With no disrespect to your advisers, never take no for an answer without seeking a second opinion. With the help of your family and friends, you’ll win this one too. I wish you well. See you t’other side.

Mark V
November 12, 2023

Graham, Wow that read was a real punch in the guts. You are imo one of the best in the game. I always look forward to reading your editorials and articles. They’re balanced, education and always insightful. I send you and your family energy for this brave battle mate.

November 12, 2023

Strength to you Graham…tough road ahead…thankyou for all your contributions…so helpful

Jeff Trimmer
November 12, 2023

Graham, I have profited from your insights both during and since my advisory life. Glad you have been given the time to embrace all of us, in case the future is shorter than you and we hope for. Best wishes for successful treatment.

Ian Saines
November 12, 2023

Shocked and saddened Graham to hear this awful news. All the best for the battle ahead for you and your family.

Andy Sowerby
November 12, 2023

So saddened to hear your news and wishing you all strength with the battle ahead. As ever you show leadership, intelligence and good grace as you share the news. Be strong and thinking of you. Andy

alexander levendel
November 12, 2023

Sadly I read your explanation about your health issues today, Sunday. I have been reading your comments for many years. I wish you successful treatment, and return to normal good health. I agree that sh.. happens.
Alexander Levendel OAM,FRACP, FCSANZ

November 12, 2023

All the best Graham, I miss your wonderful inspirational writings and have learned much from you.
You've got this mate, cheers Ann

Shane Oliver
November 12, 2023

Hi Graham

I was really saddened to read of your diagnosis.

Sometimes life takes unexpected turns but I know your many readers and all of those who have had the pleasure of working with you over many years hope and pray that you will get to write productively for another 25 years (or do whatever you want to do over a similar period).

I certainly am hoping and praying for that!

You are a great person to work with and you make a huge positive contribution to peoples' investment decisions and our industry.

Get well soon!????

Brent Campbell
November 12, 2023

Very best wishes Graham for continued success in fighting your current medical ailment.
Explaining your absence from Firstlinks is greatly appreciated.
Very best wishes for a long and comfortable life
Brent Campbell

Ron Manners AO
November 12, 2023

I have enjoyed your comments for many years and look forward to meeting you in person one day.
You have the right spirit to fight this serious health challenge (I have been there too).
Wishing you a successful outcome.
Ron Manners (Perth)

Anthony Todd
November 11, 2023

I’m so sorry to hear the news about your hospitalisation. It must be a very tough time for you and your family and everyone at Aspect sends their very best wishes to you and is willing you on for a successful recovery. Looking forward to seeing you again either in Aus or our London office for our weekly meeting (!!) when you’re back in action.

All the very best.

Graham Henley
November 11, 2023

Hi Graham - Gary Glover alerted me to your recent health issues.
I checked into your Firstlinks website (which I hadn’t viewed before but will keep an eye on in future) and was
shocked and saddened by your news, but impressed by your strong and positive response - though no real surprise there!
Toni and I will keep you in our thoughts and we do hope that your treatment will have positive results.
Our very best to Debbie and the girls.
We are hoping to get down your way next year some time. It would be great to catch up.
In the meantime here's wishing you and the family a happy Diwali on Sunday.

Eric Winton
November 11, 2023

Thanks for your note….all the very best to you, sorry to hear the news – I and I know we all enjoy your insightful missives and hope you’ll keep on as long as you feel up to it!
Very best wishes

Jeff Coulton
November 11, 2023

Dear Graham and Firstlinks team

Thanks for the update from Graham. I only know you through these newsletter, but was still saddened to read your news. Thoughts are with you and your family, as well as your friends and colleagues. Never easy news. I hope that you get as much fulfilling time with them all as you possible can.

Thanks for all you’ve done with the Firstlinks community. It’s a great resource for many of us.

Sandra Kelso
November 11, 2023

Here's to a speedy recovery- positive thoughts ??

Greg Page
November 11, 2023

Hi Graham… I heard you speak years ago at an AIA event…do you still have Qantas bonds in your bottom drawer? :)

I am a survivor of a stage 3/4 cancer (17 years ago), so just a quick note to wish you well on your journey back to good health.

Colin Burlisconi
November 11, 2023

Hi Graham,
I'm shocked!
The most well prepared, organised, well funded, wisest future retiree at risk of not making it?
Totally unfair!
While some of us are just amazed we lived this long without killing ourselves.
Please let me know if you need anything?

Hoping you recover well.

Keith Ward
November 11, 2023

Graham, just read of your health issues.

No need to reply, I wanted to let you know you are in my thoughts and wish you well for your journey ahead.

Chris Stevens
November 11, 2023

Hey Graham - I saw the post on LinkedIn yesterday. We’re all thinking of you and looking forward to a strong recovery.
All the best

Tom McKay
November 11, 2023

Graham, I’m really sorry to read about your diagnosis. It must be an incredibly difficult time for you and your family. Wishing you all the best with your treatment and the fight ahead

Trevor Stewart
November 11, 2023

Hi Graham,
So sorry to hear your news. I hope you get a miracle. Thanks for all your interesting articles and for making Firstlinks such a great site.

November 11, 2023

How brave of you Graham to share such information. God Speed.

Steve Martin
November 11, 2023

Thanks for sharing your story with us Graham. Like everyone, I am sorry to hear about the huge battle you have in front of you. I am grateful to you for all you have done for us over the years. You have, in a very kind and professional way, facilitated the education of so many of us. I will always remember the gracious way you treated me and my minor contribution some years ago.
I wish you well in your battle. Of course, you and your family will be in my prayers. God Bless!

Colin Randell
November 11, 2023

Graham So sorry to hear of your health battle. Your writing has been so useful and interesting.
May you have strength for the battle you face.

Alan M
November 11, 2023

I fully endorse the thoughts, insights & hopes of the almost 200 contributors below. I have read your articles and learnt from them for the 10 years you mentioned.
For some reason I particularly remember the Sri Lanka trip for its adventure & descriptive prose. It inspired us to do something the same in Sri Lanka.
Think of the many good times past and be similarly inspired for your future. All the best in the fight ahead.

Mark Hayden
November 11, 2023

Wow, all the best Graham. Hopefully you get a bit of luck in the fight ahead. Best wishes to you and your family.

November 11, 2023

Best of luck Graham. I share the unanimous sentiment here. A great product, you must be very proud of it. Like you ,thoughtful and straight. Come back soon!

Paul Gulliver
November 11, 2023

Devastating news Graham for you and your family, stay strong. Keep your chin up.

Peter Milne
November 11, 2023

I have always found your writing to be incisive, well informed and highly readable, thank you. Best wishes for the best possible outcome and full recovery.
Yours sincerely

November 11, 2023

I'm very saddened to hear of the news about your illness Graham.
You have been a very positive person and I have always enjoyed your writing.
I wish you all the best as you go through your fight against the cancer.
Please know that I am thinking of you and praying for your recovery.
Wishing you all the best & God bless,

Geoff R
November 10, 2023

so very sorry to hear your devastating news Graham.

thinking of you and your family and hoping the treatment goes really well.

like so many others here I very much value your writing and want to thank you.

wishing you all the best.

Craig Ellis
November 10, 2023

Hi Graham, sad to hear this news. I look back on how fortunate i was to have had you as my boss and the break you gave me all those years ago at State bank. May the gods of fortune reflect on their error and look upon you with new kindness.
all the best Craig

November 10, 2023

Thank you Graham, for that frank and open revelation. I am very sorry for you and for us readers who, for the moment, wont be receiving your brilliant articles. Your simple clear prose is a joy to read.
My very best wishes for a speedy recovery.

November 10, 2023

Graham, such unexpected and life-changing news that no-one wants to hear. I have been a keen reader of your work for many years and thank you so much for all your wisdom. I would like to take this opportunity to confirm you are in the hands of an amazing, world-class team at Royal North Shore Hospital. Your readers may not know that situated at RNSH is the Kolling Institute of Medical Research which was founded in 1920. One of the fields of research is cancer and the Bill Walsh Translational Cancer Research Laboratory is linked to the Medical Oncology Department. Our core research is brain cancer and a number of the doctors work closely with us as we try to make in-roads into this disease. I wish you and your family all the best for the fight ahead.

November 10, 2023

Very sad news Graham. Best wishes to you and your family at this difficult time.

Prashant Mohan
November 10, 2023

Hi Graham

I was truly taken aback by the news on your health. I wish you and the family the best and pray for a really positive recovery from here.

Best wishes and prayers,

November 10, 2023

sorry to hear of your news. I wish you all the best

Nigel Stewart
November 10, 2023

Hi Graham, I just heard the news, and I wanted to reach out to let you know that you're in my thoughts. I'm sorry to hear that you're going through a tough time right now. I remember our days playing football for Northbridge FC and chats over a beer after the game. Wishing you and family all the best. Nigel

November 10, 2023

Hi Graham
Thank you for all your guidance and wisdom on a regular basis.
Good luck with your journey.
All the best

Lucy Briggs
November 10, 2023

Dear Graham - I have not been able to stop thinking about you since your newsletter went out today. We only met for coffee, finally, so recently (one I hugely enjoyed). It is distressing to hear your news. It seems so unfair and unreal. One of course doesn’t know what to say or what’s appropriate to say, but just know that you are absolutely in my thoughts along with the whole industry - who is willing and wishing you better and will continue to do so. You are such a huge force to be reckoned with in this industry. Sending all my best wishes to you And your loved ones.

November 10, 2023

Hi Graham, I just saw the news. Praying for you. Wishing you lots of strength and healing. All my best

November 10, 2023

I’m sorry to hear of your recent battles Graham. Take care. (many of us are huge fans of your writing)

November 10, 2023

Hi Graham, I’ve just read the sad news and wanted to send a message to say I’m thinking of you and your family. I really admire what you’ve built in Firstlinks and I have loved reading your content beyond my time at Morningstar. I share it with my friends and family often. Wishing you all the best with your recovery, no doubt you’re in great hands and if anyone can get through this it’s you.

November 10, 2023


Very shocked to read about your situation and very brave of you to be so open about it.

For what it's worth my wife went through a similar fight with breast cancer commencing 2017. It was the "full monty" with chemo/surgery and radio but she has now been OK ever since. She showed what true determination is and I'm sure you will too.

You will fight it as all good midfielders/full backs (yellow card not red) and I wish you the best of luck in your recovery.

All the best mate.

Chris Brycki
November 10, 2023

Hi Graham,

Really sorry to read your news this morning. I've looked up to you as an industry thought leader for many years and I'm sure many people have you to thank for smart financial decisions they've made over their lives. Thinking of you and best wishes for the treatments.

Lol Garnett
November 12, 2023

Hi Graham, All I can do is wish you all the best. i have always found your comments useful and incisive.
i was so shocked to read your last letter.
Take care mate

Marion Fryer
November 10, 2023

Graham I am so deeply saddened to hear your news. I am so thankful for your support at colonial first state. Your kindness, supportive coaching and strong intellect made such a difference to me and more broadly CFS.

Sending prayers and love.

Andrew R
November 10, 2023

Graham, sorry to hear this news. I'm a regular consumer of your articles and always look forward to reading them I also enjoy listening to you on the podcasts - you are very knowledgeable with a relaxed and funny style. Your standing in the industry is reflected by the many comments here. Praying your treatment is quick, effective and successful. Andrew

November 10, 2023

Dear Graham
I am so so sorry to learn about your ill health.
Unbelievable ! However Your Positivity is remarkable and that will help for your quick recovery.
I wish you well.

November 10, 2023

Graham, Firstly, many thanks for your work. I am 66 and was first diagnosed with cancer at 65. My first tumour was removed and then it returned 6 months later. I was told it was inoperable. I then sort a second opinion and found a young team of surgeons at Peter Mac who weren't hopeful but managed to cut the tumour away. I did check if I should spend all my super before the op! They said No.. I know it is heartless, and you probably have done this already but get a second opinion. I had and still have complete confidence in my first surgeon but my wife insisted I get a second opinion and it saved my life. All the best to you and your family and thanks for your ever interesting advice. Our thoughts will be with you and particularly your family. Anthony

November 10, 2023

Graham, thinking of you.

Rod R.
November 11, 2023

Good to hear of your good outcome Anthony. Good advice.

John Bone
November 10, 2023

Unfortunately a curved ball thrown your way. Very disarming especially for you but also for all your loyal readers who like me look forward to your weekly considerations.
On the bright side medical treatments are progressing at a great rate and hopefully you can avail yourself of these if appropriate.
Our hearts and hopes are with you and your family.

November 10, 2023

Hi Graham,

A short note to say how devastated I was to hear of your diagnosis today. A positive surely was that nothing had spread elsewhere, so that hopefully it can be beaten with your treatment program. And with relative youth and otherwise good health on your side, that must count for something.

You have certainly been an inspiration to me over the last few years, to write some more and help contribute something to your wonderful readership. You have my full admiration and support, and with your positive attitude to fight and beat this, I look forward to many more articles from you.

Strength and best wishes to you and your family Graham.

November 10, 2023

Hey mate
Great positive attitude.
You are a winner..
We are all rooting for you!

November 10, 2023

Hi Graham,

I am sorry to hear about your health battle.

Praying for your recovery. ??

Stay strong.

Peter Coghlan
November 10, 2023

I'm very sorry to hear your news Graham. I always look forward to reading your articles and sincerely hope we will see more of them again after your treatment. Meanwhile I wish you and your family the strength to safely get through this challenge and regain the happiness you deserve to have.
With best regards

November 10, 2023

So shocked and saddened by this news. All the best with the fight ahead Graham. You will have so many to lean on wishing you well.

November 10, 2023

Take care Graham, all the best with the treatment. Take strength from the messages being left on this page - you have made a difference and everyone will be looking forward to reading your articles in the future.

Peter B
November 10, 2023

As another of the 100,000, you have many, many supporters and well wishers. A diagnosis like this turns life (as previously known), completely upside down. It also gives rise to many thoughts and decisions that you would have never expected to consider. As one who survived both a cancer diagnosis six years ago plus its subsequent treatment, it will be your journey - and fortunately you have so many on your side.

Steven Bennett
November 10, 2023

Hi Graham, I don’t know what to say having read your article, as I am lost for words. I am deeply saddened and you have my best wishes on achieving the best possible outcome. You are very brave in not only your approach and attitude but also the courage you demonstrated in writing your article. My thoughts are with you and your family. I wish I could do more to help… Kind Regards Steve

Richard Sykes
November 10, 2023

Very sad to hear of your condition and send you all the best as you deal with this personal crisis in conjunction with your wonderful family
I was diagnosed and operated on over 2 years ago for lung cancer but still here at 83 next week and going well. Wish you every success in fighting the cancer and continue to provide us with more of your great articles in the time ahead of you.

Miguel Olmos
November 10, 2023

Hi Graham,
The least I expected when I saw you "Special note" was what I read after. At this stage, I want to thank you for keeping this newsletter so interesting and informative. You're in my wife's and my own prayers that this would be a temporary scare and you'll spring back to your full healthy body. Until then, we send you our best wishes.

Paul Barrett
November 10, 2023

Graham, I know you will bring everything you have got to this fight, and you have got plenty to bring! Know that everyone who has had the pleasure of your company will be sending every bit of positive energy your way. Thinking of you, sending all the love and positivity I can muster!

November 10, 2023

I’m sorry to hear this news, Graham.
Wishing you all the best with your treatment.

November 10, 2023

Very sad to read your announcement Graham. You are a remarkable person. My thoughts are with you and your family. Best wishes for the best outcomes possible.

November 10, 2023

Hi Graham - I mirror the comments made by Fiona on behalf of the ASA copied below and would add that you have informed, educated and touched so many people including a large number of the 5000 plus members of the ASA (Australian Shareholders Association). At a personal level I have had the pleasure of reading your weekly commentaries over the last two years, then meeting you thanks you my ASA colleague Mary Curran and hearing you speak at the ASA Sydney Investor Forum in September 2022 which reminded me of a well known quote from an unknown author - 'in life it is about the books you read and the people you meet' - which I would like to change up to . . . 'In life it is about reading what Graham writes and then meeting him in person' - may you soon be sitting on your balcony watching the Sydney sun set and continuing to inform us all.

Best wishes - Keith

Fiona and ASA
November 09, 2023

Hi Graham,

Our thoughts are with you and your family as well as our best wishes for what comes next. Thanks for trusting your readers sufficiently to share your diagnosis. And for your leadership of this wonderful community up to now, and hopefully again, in the not too distant future.

Phil T
November 10, 2023

Graham, your weekly emails have been of huge assistance to me and my wife, informing our decision to take and thrive on our early retirement. Good luck Graham, we’re praying for you!

Patrick Bennett
November 10, 2023

Terribly sorry to hear your news. I wish you all the best over the months ahead. Hang in there.

November 10, 2023

Dear Graham,

I saw your news on Firstlinks this morning and just wanted to let you know I’m thinking of you and your family, and keeping my fingers crossed for that ‘better than expected’ outcome.

I’m sure you will have been completely swamped with messages of support from the Firstlinks community, and from the others who have had the pleasure of working with you. Please don’t worry about responding to this email, your inbox will probably explode with messages and there will no doubt be more important things for you to be doing.

Thank you for the enjoyable and thought-provoking editorial comment, I’ll keep an eye out for your future articles.

Stay well, all the very best.

Robert Barnes
November 10, 2023

Dear Graham - I just saw your announcement about your health. I understand you will be bombarded with good wishes and I don't want to lumber you with sending a reply.

Please just accept my very best wishes for a full recovery. I've always had many laughs whenever we catch up, and I look forward to more in the future. On a professional note I think you are one of the freshest writers around. You tackle topics in a completely original way and they are always a pleasure to read.

Rest up and all the very best.

November 10, 2023

Graham, I look forward to your insightful piece each week and will miss it whilst you undertake your treatment. Modern medical treatment can provide amazing results, I wish you all the very best through yours.

Shaun Ler
November 10, 2023

Hi Graham,

Wishing you all the best in the face of this adversity. Your bravery, wisdom and grace will be the admiration of all.

You have made a tremendously positive impact on the lives of many, and we will keep you in our prayers.

November 10, 2023

We are thinking of you and your family and wish you all the strength for a recovery.

November 10, 2023

Hello Graham. So sorry to hear your news. Wishing you all the best to get through it. Regards Fred

Louise Marcroft
November 10, 2023

To one of my oldest and dearest friend, I am so sad.
I hope you will indeed be writing to all those in your investment community for another 25 years and I hope I'll be reading your work for all that time. I love your writing style and insights.
You are one of the most positive people I know, and if anyone can come through this, you can.
I wish you the absolute best and my heart goes out to you and your family.
And maybe we can get around to that lunch we chatted about but have not seemed got around to yet!
Please keep us all informed as best you can.

June L
November 10, 2023

Graham, so sorry to hear your news as I will miss your insights and intellect greatly whilst you undergo your treatment. As an aside, a close friend of ours, only now in her mid sixties has an inoperable tumour and was given three weeks to live just before Xmas. This will be her third Xmas since that diagnosis. Keep strong and positive. Very best wishes to you and your family

Chris Galloway
November 10, 2023

Graham, your transparency is commendable in what are undoubtedly the most testing personal circumstances. It’s also entirely consistent with how you’ve approached the journalism and editorial that has enriched so many of us.
It is an honour to work alongside someone with your veracity, determination and most of all your authenticity. Best wishes for your treatment and we expectantly await your return.

November 10, 2023

Graham, it's not so good news indeed, however keep your hope and courage. Miracles do happen. Wishing you and your family the very best, and hoping for a speedy recovery.

November 10, 2023

Hi Graham

Always enjoyed your articles which educated us, and it was a compulsory reading every Thursday. I am saddened to hear about your ill health and I hope to god that he will spare you many more years in this world for your family to enjoy their very important member of the family.

God bless you

Geoff Warren
November 10, 2023

Would like to add my best wishes as well, even if just to add to send a message by adding to the length of the list. Graham - I have always enjoyed dealing with you and reading your own articles, and hope that it will not be too long before can do so gain! Regards, Geoff

November 10, 2023

Graham, this is very sad to hear and I wish you all the best for the journey that you are currently on. Thank you so much for your contribution in making sense of a complex subject. My thoughts are with you.

November 10, 2023

As part of the first links family, also 65 , I was so sorry to hear your news I wish you the best during this next phase , however, we are living during great advances in Immunotherapy. Arovella and Imugen are undertaking promising early phase studies in a combination trials and so it may be worth giving Imugen a call.
Being a non-finance educated health professional I have thoroughly enjoy the educational experience ; the intellectual rigor , tinged with humour in your articles,

Andrew Gale
November 10, 2023

Hi Graham - like others, I am shocked and very saddened to hear this news. Thanks for being so open in sharing this confronting news in such an eloquent communication - not easy in the circumstances. And congratulations on your evident stoicism, eschewing self-pity and overall great attitude in taking on this challenge - attitude is everything. The oncology team at RNS are extraordinary so, as you say, you are in best place to deal with this. Very much thinking of you, and all the best to you and your family. Fondest regards, Andrew.

Rod R
November 10, 2023

Hi Graham, quite a shock to read this. Always enjoyed your articles and take on investing and financial matters.
Am keeping you in mind during your treatment. All the best for recovery. I've always felt with life there's a "bigger picture" and knowing this is a help, but can't write about it here; best wishes !

November 10, 2023

After reading your post on your health. Given the developments you are best placed to navigate this.

Don Ezra
November 10, 2023

Graham, all the best. I look forward to your return. You’ve meant so much to so many people. From faraway Canada I feel I’ve got to know you. Good luck, my friend.

Chris Kourt
November 10, 2023

Graham, I feel very sad reading your news and wish you and Debbie all the best of luck and energy for the challenges ahead. You've always been courageous and admirable ( to me) and reading the recent interview with " Pearcey", brought back so many great memories from the Colonial days. Hope to see you soon.

Jacinta Walsh
November 10, 2023

Graham, Shocked to hear your news. I have had close friends that have fought cancer and won the battle!. Stay positive and strong and sending you heaps of positive energy. Look forward to reading your next article.

Richard W
November 10, 2023

Hi Graham, I have met you once and have appreciated your writings over many years, so it is a shock to hear your news. As someone of a similar age who like you, has also looked after themselves over the years and who has recovered from open heart surgery and cancer via radiation therapy, take it from me, that believing that all will be well is most of the battle - and modern radiation therapy is extraordinary. All the best.

November 09, 2023

So shocked and sad to hear your news Graham. Wishing you strength in your upcoming battle. My very best thoughts and good wishes are with you and your family xx

Glenn Homan
November 09, 2023

Very sorry to hear about your news GH. All the best for your fight,

John Richards
November 10, 2023

Long time appreciator of your work Graham and deeply saddened by your news. May the turns your life takes from here all be positive.

Hugh McVean
November 09, 2023

Graham - you and your writings have enriched my understanding of a very complex investing world.
It speaks well of your character that you have given the explanation of your health position in such a candid way
My thoughts and our prayers are with you for a full recovery

Noel Whittaker
November 09, 2023

Good morning Graham, Geraldine and I were devastated to hear your news. Our thoughts and prayers are with you , and we fervently hope that you will have a good recovery. You have been a real trail blazer, and you should be very proud of what t you have achieved in the education area. It's been my pleasure to have worked with you over so many years. Much love.

Patrick Gallagher
November 09, 2023

Hi Graham,

Shocked and greatly saddened to read about your illness – described in the same clear and incisive prose that typifies all your writing. I hope though that you will derive some comfort from the huge and growing number of readers who have responded. If you ever needed confirmation about how respected you are in the financial community and beyond this is it.

You’ve got the best medical care and fighting attitude, my fervent good wishes for a full recovery and lots more writing.

Rod J.
November 09, 2023

Hi Graham , I am really sorry to hear your challenging diagnosis . It is amazing you were able to compile a such an honest and lucid report on your diagnosis and mental state . Whenever you have written an article I have read it , I cannot think of another person whom I have read more closely . Your analysis has been consistently balanced and worthy of a gold star . My very best wishes .

November 09, 2023

Graham, I look forward to reading your incredibly well written and insightful articles for many years to come, so hurry up and get well! All my best wishes for the battle ahead.

November 09, 2023

What terrible news, that is awful for you, your family, your colleagues and us readers of First Links. You have every right to be immensely pissed off. I am impressed by your positive fighting attitude, no wallowing in self-pity here. I wish you the best for your future. I hope you can continue to write such wonderful articles like the one about Phone Card collecting, it was magic.

David Wilson
November 09, 2023

Thank you Graham for letting us know about your illness. That must have been a tough 'note' to write, however, it was balanced, factual and compelling - as ever. Best wishes for the fight ahead. We are all thinking of you.

Steve Kyne
November 09, 2023

Fight the good fight Graham. Wishing you a full recovery mate, and hoping that your 25 more years of writing comes to pass.

John S.
November 09, 2023

Very sad news, and a shock, you are not much older than my oldest child. Let's just hope for the best.

November 09, 2023

Thank you for taking time out to share your news with your Firstlinks family at what must be a very stressful time for you and your family. My thoughts are with you and I wish you all the best with your treatment programme.

November 09, 2023

Never a good thing to hear anyone has.

Try giving Imugene a call, they seem to be progressing well with some of their Cancer vaccines.

Janelle Ward
November 09, 2023

Hello Graham - We never know what's around the corner. And with good cause.

So sorry to hear about your challenges. If anyone can face them with the utmost resilience I'm sure it will be you.
Your legion of followers on FirstLinks will be waiting with everything crossed for updates.

Good luck with the treatment.

November 09, 2023

All the best mate. Bugger of a battle but if the positive vibes from your long term readers helps you have it in spades.

Hans Kunnen
November 09, 2023

Wishing you well Graham. The number of people leaving comments is a clear indication of how highly you’re regarded in the industry. Not just for your writing and financial skills but also for the person you are. Thank you for sharing your story. I wish Man Utd could cheer you up, but it’s just happening at present. They may well meet Ipswich Town next season. Cheers. Hans

Bruce Halliday
November 09, 2023

Graham, your message above came as an awful shock. Your writing helped me enormously both professionally and personally over the last 15 years of my working life. Will be thinking of you and your family over this trying time. Bruce H.

Ian S
November 09, 2023

All the best to a courageous, straight-thinking man who has helped to make the world a better place.

November 09, 2023

Graham, Sad news but let's hope that the miracles of modern medicine will put you right again. I've enjoyed your interesting and informative writings as I am sure so many readers have.

Greg McKay
November 09, 2023

Hi Graham,
I wish all the best in your fight.
Kind Regards,
Greg McKay

Angus Robertson
November 09, 2023

What a wonderfully written explanation, Graham. I've always enjoyed your writing and Editorials, and admire your grace in dealing with the brickbats that come your way as is inevitably the case with modern social media.
I sincerely hope that you overcome this latest challenge in life.

November 10, 2023

Dear Graham. Thank you for your honesty and openness on such a difficult topic. Thank you also for your efforts over the years. Great work you do. Keep on keeping on. Donal

Jono L
November 09, 2023

Graham - thank you for sharing this really tough news. Thinking of you and your family during this challenging time. Wishing you great strength as you embark on this fight and treatment. Be strong, rooting for you and the very best outcome. Jono L

Robbie L
November 09, 2023

Morning Graham,

Sorry to hear of your diagnosis. Credit to you for being so upfront about the situation and once again, sharing your personal insights with your readers. We are all rooting for you in the battle. Best wishes for the road ahead.

James Marlay
November 09, 2023

Hi Graham,

Really sad to hear this news. Wishing you all the best for the upcoming treatment and hope to see you fighting fit in due course.

Best Wishes,


Rod C
November 09, 2023

Wishing you all the best for a full and speedy recovery. Hope to see you write for at least 25 years more, as
your articles have helped many of us. Sending prayers your way.

November 09, 2023

All the best for your treatment Graham. Wishing you a long future!

Eric Dillon
November 09, 2023

Very sorry to hear of your illness Graham. I wish you a successful and speedy recovery. My thoughts and best wishes are with you and your family at this very difficult time.

Alan Bowman
November 09, 2023

Graham, this is very sad to read but good to know you are being well cared for at RNS. I am sure all the old lads at Northbridge FC have you in their thoughts. I did spread the word to a few. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this newsletter for many years. Always great food for thought, and action. All the best . Alan Bowman

Andrew Cummins
November 09, 2023

As one of the other old lads at Northbridge, I have the same thoughts as Alan. I hope things go as well as they can and hope to see you on the sidelines watching a game next year. In the meantime, I hope it helps to know that you've got a lot of people on your side ! Andy

Tony Mattani
November 12, 2023

I too am sorry to hear of your recent diagnosis Graham.

Thank you for your insightful writing & particularly your generosity in sharing your personal experiences whether discussing finance, travel, or as here, health.

I admire the manner in which you have approached your circumstances, with positivity, determination & grace on display in equal measure - much the same qualities that you brought to the football field!

Best wishes to you & your family for the journey ahead.

Tony Mattani
November 12, 2023

I too am sorry to hear of your recent diagnosis Graham.
I'd like to thank you for your insightful writing & your generosity in sharing your personal life experiences, whether discussing finance, your travels or, particularly here, with your health.
I admire the manner in which you have approached your circumstances, with positivity, determination & grace on display in equal measure - much the same qualities that you brought to the football field!
Best wishes to both you & your family for the journey ahead.

Ken Barber
November 09, 2023

Wishing you all the very best and God's speed as you navigate this horrific disease. Thank you for all the wisdom you have given over so many years and I pray that you will completely rebound and write many more times on this newsletter.

November 09, 2023

Sorry to hear you are having to fight this terrible C illness! Sometimes life throws these challenges. Luckily our advances in medicine have come a long way. Wishing you strength as you face this challenge. Thank you for your contributions. I have enjoyed your writing for many many years and it keeps a connection to the industry I have long left!

November 09, 2023

Sad news Graham. Kind to let us all know your situation. Hope your treatment keeps you going. Stay positive.

Chandra A
November 09, 2023

Hi Graham,
Sorry to hear about your health situation, thanks for sharing with your loyal readers of FirstLinks. I am sure with world class healthcare system, supporting staff, caring family and positive attitude, you will get to the other side! Thank you for your work, insights and honest writings which is valued by many and will be remembered for long. Best wishes.

Vyril Vella
November 09, 2023

Graham Like all the comments I have appreciated your articles over the years and always look for your emails. I hope you beat this challenge and I have friends who have dealt with it for some years.Look for alternative treatments as well as the latest research for the treatment as this is constantly changing. All the best. Vyril V

November 09, 2023

It has been such a long time since we met, but do feel connected as I see your name when receive and read your newsletter.
Now, even more so look forward to receiving your next note, and hearing only good news on your recovery.
Loved the smiling picture too

Colin B
November 09, 2023

My thoughts are with you and your family Graham. Wishing you the very best outcome.

Elizabeth Cameron
November 09, 2023

Hi Graham, I read your piece below and am very sorry to hear you’ve been going through something like this. On behalf of the team at Mercer we are wishing you courage and strength as you navigate through this difficult journey. Sending our thoughts and best wishes for a healthy recovery.

November 09, 2023

Very best of luck with your treatment and we are all thinking of you…

Graham Hand
November 09, 2023

I am extremely touched by the hundreds of messages of support that have come in. I have read them all but my apologies that I don't have the headspace (literally, now!) to respond to each of you. I have posted some direct emails to the Firstlinks website as my best way to share your wishes. Many thanks.

November 09, 2023

I'm yet another avid reader, and admirer. Thank you for your wise and compassionate insights, and well done on a life clearly well lived. And very best wishes that your treatment is successful. Phillip

Rosemary McLauchlan
November 12, 2023

Dear Graham
As a former CBA colleague and then an early Cuffelinks subscriber pre-Firstlinks, I've always been an admirer of your achievements and in particular your ability to use your clarity of writing style to reach lay people as well as financial professionals. Your changed pathway resonates with me because of a family instance of glioma, so will be praying hard for your family during the upcoming months and years.
Keep positive and looking up

Fraser Bone
November 12, 2023

Shocked to hear your news Graham - thinking of you and fingers crossed the treatment is successful - stay strong.

Neville Cox
November 09, 2023

Thanks for sharing your current situation of a life interrupted. I pray that you may experience comfort and hope during this period.

Jake W
November 09, 2023

Thanks very much for taking the time to write this Graham in what must be a very difficult time for you and your family, wishing you good luck and plenty of good times with your family and friends while you fight through this.

November 09, 2023

Sad news and best of luck fighting it.
Yours is one of 2 regular emails that I always open.
From what I’ve read you’ve achieved a lot before retirement age, which is an important and often overlooked part of our journey.

Bill Stewart
November 09, 2023

Graham, As one of your many avid followers let me extend my best wishes for a speedy and full recovery. I look forward to reading your great articles for many years to come. Bill

November 09, 2023

Hi Graham, Thanks for letting us know how you are going. I’ll be praying for you. I’m just across the road from the hospital and am happy to drop in and see you if you are taking visitors. I can lend you some books as well if it helps pass the time.

David Offer
November 09, 2023

Dear Graham
Thank you for sharing your incredibly tough news.
The test of addressing our own mortality is one we are all destined to take.
The courage you are showing and your willingness to share is inspirational.
You are in our thoughts as you square up for your battle and we all wish you and your family the absolute best for what lies ahead.

George Antonas
November 09, 2023

Dear Graham,

Although our professional paths at Morningstar don't intersect, I was truly saddened to learn about the health challenges you're facing reading today’s article.

Your contributions to the Firstlinks community have been immeasurable, and I, along with countless other readers, will undoubtedly miss your consistent articles and editorials. Your optimistic perspective and unwavering determination in confronting this situation are undeniably inspiring. I wish you all the resilience and assistance necessary during your treatment.

The community you've nurtured will undoubtedly continue to flourish, and your legacy will remain enduring.

Warm regards,

Chris Meyer
November 09, 2023

Hi Graham

Saw your news. Hopefully you get this through the barrage of other support messages but even if you don’t get it, hopefully the spirit of its intentions helps in some small way to aid your recovery.

As you know, I’m South African and whenever I got sick when I was growing up, my parents told me to “vasbyt” which is a wonderful Afrikaans word. The literal translation is “bite hard” which I believe stems from the medical world before painkillers when patients would bite hard on a leather strap. The non-literal meaning is to keep your chin up and fight hard because resilience is rewarded when it’s all over.

“Vasbyt” Graham – we’re all rooting for you.

Wilbur Li
November 09, 2023

Hi Graham, thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery. I was just listening to your interview with John and re-reading your book earlier this week. I really appreciate your advice, guidance and time over the years. Best wishes, Wilbur.

Michael Tadros
November 09, 2023

Praying for a complete return to all things 'normal', Graham. God bless your life and family.

November 09, 2023

Further to my good wishes already submitted, I had a family member go through chemo recently and found this group to be good for some hard to get items to ameliorate the effects and issues with chemo The PICC line (should you have one) shower cover was a lifesaver. They are in WA, we are in Sydney but the delivery was not too bad.
I have no affiliation with them other than as a customer nor do I stand to gain in anyway from them.

November 09, 2023

Hi Graham. Sad news.Keep up the fight. Don't dismiss another option. Charlie Teo operates in Spain with great success . Pity he can't do it here.
John N

Will Ton
November 09, 2023

Hi Graham,

Just wanted to let you know my thoughts and prayers are with you mate.

I’m sorry to hear about your health issues. But if there’s anyone that can smash it like what Sydney FC will do against the Wanderers at the upcoming Derby, you’re the man to do it.

Wishing you a speedy recovery and will be waiting for our next poddy session.


Syd Weinstein
November 09, 2023

So sorry to hear what has happened
You sharing your story serves as an inspiration and reminder to all of us
Thank you for all the wisdom that you have given to all opf us during the years
I pray for a speedy recovery
Syd W

November 09, 2023

Graham, that you would take the time to write this during such in intensely personal time reenforces how committed you are to readers. Firstlinks educates readers about these issues all the time, but today you remind all of us that despite careful planning, we can never know what’s coming or when. On a personal note, I have never worked with somebody as smart as you, nor an editor who shows such care for quality content. I hope you get well soon and are at are back at the helm for those 25 years! Christian

Robert Oser
November 09, 2023

Graham, keep strong. Never give up.

Adam Myers
November 09, 2023


You may not remember me but we had a few meetings when you invested in the Pengana Panagora Absolute return fund many years ago.

I have been a regular reader ever since.

I was so sad to read about your current health challenges and I just wanted to reach out to wish you all the best.

Kind regards

November 09, 2023

Hi Graham,

I'm very sorry to hear this news, I hope that the treatment goes well and that you get the rest of the life that you have planned.

I'm sure you've already got everything in place, but at times like this it is worth reviewing your estate planning to ensure it is up to date and that everyone involved know that should things not go as hoped what your wishes are and what their roles are in the plan.

All the best.


TJ Khoury
November 09, 2023

My thoughts are with you and your family, pray you make a speedy recovery and beat this for you and your family, and to continue enriching us with your knowledge and views.

Ross Jenkins
November 09, 2023

Hi Graham best wishes for your treatment, my Leukemia diagnosis came as a shock also after 67 years of being pretty healthy but the response from medicos here in Cairns has been amazing , I hope the same care happens to you, Ross

November 09, 2023

From one of the many, very sorry to hear and wishing you and your family all strength. I liked your editorials; especially those that made us examine why we are fortunate enough to find this newsletter relevant to our circumstances and that maybe we should cut the next generation a break-especially when those editorials had indignant responses!

John Leske
November 09, 2023

So sad and shocked to hear of your condition.
However, whatever happens from here on, you can be very proud of what you have achieved in your 65 years - a loving family, good friends and helping many people to become better investors.
Shame that I have never been able to convince you of the merits of AFL versus that other football!
Stay positive - there’s no alternative - and I look forward to a catch up in the near future.
John Leske

Harry Chemay
November 09, 2023


I just read this week's Editor's note.

I'm in shock. I really don't know what to say, other than to wish you well in this fight.


November 09, 2023

Sorry to hear your news, but thanks for being brave enough to share your story and remind us all that life is fleeting and full of unexpected changes. Please know that you have impacted many, many, MANY lives for the better and we can't thank you enough. Hope you get back to writing soon!

November 09, 2023

From one of the 100,000, all the best Graham. Keep positive.

Michael Monaghan
November 09, 2023

Not the best way for your readers to start the day - very forthright and personal stuff!
A great shock for all of us.

Best wishes during your treatment.

Claudia Prichett
November 09, 2023

Hi Graham

We just saw your news in the latest Firstlinks newsletter. Not sure if you are checking emails but wanted to say how sorry we all are to hear about what you are going through. We really admire your attitude and your bravery, and send you and your family all our best wishes and positive thoughts.

The PB Comms team

Alan Kenny
November 09, 2023

Sorry to hear the news Graham. My thoughts are with you and your family.


November 09, 2023

Graham, you are apart of our group of friends, we often discuss the subjects you and this newsletter embrace and your specific logic is always appreciated.
You can beat this with the firstclass medical treatment available hear. As in investing consider all avenues, one will hold the answer.p
We want to continue reading you great articles for decades to come.

Paul K
November 09, 2023

Thank you for sharing this sad news Graham. My wife has been saying it's time to start spending now that I've hit 60. I've found it hard to change my mind set from saving for retirement to spending in retirement. Like you I drink little, never smoked, take no medication and generally eat well. Sharing this terrible news has helped kick me into gear. Sending positive thoughts and energy your way.

November 09, 2023

Well and bravely said Graham, my heartfelt best wishes to you and your family.

Amelia Kelaher
November 09, 2023

Dear Graham

Very saddened to hear your news this morning. I’m sure that one was the hardest to write.

Sending best wishes from the Charter Hall team for a full and speedy recovery.


November 09, 2023

Dear Graham,
Very sad to hear about your brain tumor.
All the best for the treatment regime and may you be surrounded by friends and family at this challenging time.
You have contributed so much to the understanding of the finance system for many, many people. I am sure your team will support you fully through all ahead.
All the best

November 09, 2023

Hi Graham
So sad to hear this news, wishing you a full recovery and many more healthy years. Thank you for all your articles and creating a such a great publication.

Merren Ward
November 09, 2023

Hi Graham,
Thank you for sharing this news with us and I wish you all the best in your upcoming treatment.
You are a source of much sage advice and I am sure that will continue.
Thanks and best wishes
Merren Ward

November 09, 2023

Thank you for sharing your current life experience Graham, and your perspective on your way forward. It was heartwarming to read. May the best of medical science support you on your journey.

November 09, 2023

Graham I’ve really enjoyed reading your articles over the last 10 years or more and I’ve learned a lot from them. I hope the treatment goes well and I look forward to reading more of your articles in the future.

November 09, 2023

Blimey Graham - reading this financial stuff doesn't seem to important at the moment. Please fight hard - you've got heaps of folk that value you and your writing. I should know - I am one

Annie S
November 09, 2023

Dear Graham
Wishing you and your family all the very best in the upcoming months and positive outcomes from “fighting the good fight”. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed your newsletters, annecdotes and more recently podcasts. You have a very calming voice!! Look forward to having you back on board

November 09, 2023

Keep fighting on .

Peter Biggs
November 09, 2023

Thinking of you Graham. Best wishes to you, your family and work colleagues. Previous comments sum up my thoughts exactly! You are extremely well regarded and I am grateful for your words and guidance over the years.

November 09, 2023

Hi Graham, just wanted to say I’m so sorry to hear about your health issues. Wishing you all the best for an effective treatment, and swift return to the keyboard.

Take care.

David Hansen
November 09, 2023

I wish you successful treatment and a long and happy life. Do not concern yourself with us investors, we will be fine, concentrate on your family.

Mark Osborn
November 09, 2023

Very sorry to hear your news Graham. You sound like you have a very positive attitude and I hope this pulls you through. Congratulations on your work in building Firstlinks, it’s always and enjoyable and informative read.

November 09, 2023

Thank you for sharing your story and sorry to hear this. Best wishes and hoping you can get back on your feet soon.

Fiona and ASA
November 09, 2023

Hi Graham,

Our thoughts are with you and your family as well as our best wishes for what comes next.

Thanks for trusting your readers sufficiently to share your diagnosis.

And for your leadership of this wonderful community up to now, and hopefully again, in the not too distant future.

Mike Davis
November 09, 2023

Hello Graham,

I have just read your update regarding your health challenges. Hearing such news is always a shock, but reading of your determination to fight and survive this challenge is golden. I wish you all the strength you need to beat this and hope to hear of good progress with your treatment in due course.

I have always enjoyed your insights into the industry we are all in some way part of or dependent on even…..thankyou for that and may it continue for another 25 years as you suggest. Thankyou also for your support of Causeway over time.

Take care Graham, get well, hug those you cherish most and keep them close.

November 09, 2023

Sorry to hear this news Graham. I wish you well for the fight ahead. If attitude has anything to do with the outcome you’re in good shape.
I have very much enjoyed your unbiased, sensible views on financial topics and hope you get to write many more for Firstlinks.

November 09, 2023

Hello Graham,
I sincerely admire the courage with which you have confronted this terrible illness. I know that there will be some tough days ahead and some ups and downs.
I pray that you will have the grace to confront each of those challenges with the same hope and courage.

David Kent
November 09, 2023

Dear Graham I read your column every week. I am so sorry for your diagnosis and wish you all the best. We briefly worked together at Australian Bank in 1982/3 but in different parts of the bank. They were heady days! Thoughts are with you Best regards David

Bruce B
November 09, 2023

Mr Hand
You have done so much in helping us with investments over a long time. I am sure everyone on this community wishes you the absolute best outcome. A complete recovery.

Murray McLean
November 09, 2023

Hang in there Graham,
Your fitness and otherwise good health will support your fight.
Best regards, Murray

Gervase Greene
November 09, 2023

Characteristically informative and direct as ever, and such really tough news.
All the very best, from another of the long-time FirstLinks fan club.
Really hope you find a way through.

November 09, 2023

Terrible news Graham and thank you for sharing. Wishing you all the best and that the treatment will be successful.

David Dobbin
November 09, 2023

Thank you Graham for sharing your personal challenge with all your readers
I’m thinking of you and wish you well going forward with all your treatments
Concentrate on yourself and your family
Thank you for all your insights and your contributions
Best wishes

November 09, 2023

I was very saddened to read about your health scare. I loved reading your insightful articles over the years. May you have a speedy recovery, & back on your feet with your family. Praying for a quick recovery!

Anthony Gross
November 09, 2023

Good Day, Graham & Firstlink readers. I thank you for your openness about your own personal health situation. Within your words and thoughts, I see a strong personal commitment to build a better Fristlinks ecosystem. As well, I consider that your work and Fristlinks contributes towards better outcomes for Australian consumers of wealth management products.
I wish you well while you are in the hands of Australia's healthcare professionals.
To Life

Kaye Fallick
November 09, 2023

Oh Graham, shocked, saddened by your letter above. But heartened by your extraordinary attitude which is unsurprising and uplifting. My heart goes out to you and your family - wishing you many healthy decades after overcoming this health reversal, warmest, Kaye

John Wickenden
November 09, 2023

Dear Graham,
Such terrible news - my heart goes out to you.
I admire your fortitude, and indeed that is an important part of the battle.
With my best wishes for recovery or remission,

Renee Kaesler
November 09, 2023

I'm so very sorry to read this, Graham. Wishing you and your family strength and comfort.

November 09, 2023

good luck graham, your article on your condition is a wonderful positive piece.

November 09, 2023

Dear Graham, keep a positive attitude - it helps. You may be the lucky one and win this battle! I can’t imagine Firstlinks without your editorials. Thanks

Anne Garlick
November 09, 2023

I am very sorry to read this Graham. I worked with you in our very early days at CBA and always valued your input and thoughts and have continued to do so reading your articles here. All the very best with your treatment.

Justin Hockley
November 09, 2023

Graham Many thanks for the great work you have put in over the many years I have been a reader. You have big challenge ahead, but, you are absolutely right about our medical system. You are in great hands ( no pun intended). Travel safe.

Warren Bird
November 09, 2023

Graham, praying that you will get to write a sequel to your novel that you may call "Beyond the Radiation From Lucas Heights".

Brendan Ryan
November 09, 2023

All the best with the fight ahead. I can always hear your voice in your writing, which is calm and insightful, and I pray you get back to sharing your voice again soon.

Paul Coghlan
November 09, 2023

Very saddened Graham to read of your sudden and very scary health prognosis. I hope you will be as successful in your treatment as you were in my HSC Economics class back in 1975 and have been in subsequent years. Best wishes, Paul

Ross Laidlaw
November 09, 2023

Hi Graham, very sad to read this news, wishing you the best in your fight against this cancer. Congratulation on this wonderful publication and providing such informative information.

November 09, 2023

I'm very sorry to hear this news Graham. Wishing you all the best over the months ahead and hope that you can join the conversation again soon.

Kim Perry
November 09, 2023

All the best Graham. What a great positive attitude you have.

Shani Jayamanne
November 09, 2023

Graham, You are not just a vital part of our team, you are a great leader, a supportive colleague and a great person. You and your family are in our thoughts.

November 09, 2023

Wishing you and the family the best Graham. Your articles and Firstlink have been the most interesting subscription out of many and probably the only one I consistently read, thank you for this community.

November 09, 2023

Although initially sorry to hear your news, you seem a determined and positive person, and I'm sure you will continue to do the best that you can. Keep up the good fight.

November 09, 2023

Wishing you and your family all the best. I have learnt from and enjoyed your articles for many years, always thought provoking. Thank you and take care.

Mike Carroll
November 09, 2023

Graham: I wish you well in your treatment program and hope your outcomes are the best they can be. I am impressed that you had both the courage and the courtesy to write in the way you have to your readers, to whom you have given much insight and wisdom. Very best wishes.

November 09, 2023

Best wishes to you Graham, take care and look after yourself and those close to you.

November 09, 2023

Hi Graham my heart reaches out to you. I met you once and enjoyed your presentation and humour. The words "here's the thing" stayed with me. Your candidness about your 'thing' is a testament to the integrity and honesty that you never fail to demonstrate. Stay strong and know we are all gunning for you. Xxxx Lu

Rick Cosier
November 09, 2023

Sad news Graham, I hope it’s not as bad as it seems.

James Fitzgerald
November 09, 2023

This is sad news and thank you for sharing Graham. Wishing you all the best in your fight against this.

Nicholas Chaplin
November 09, 2023

Hi Graham,
That's not the news I was expecting this morning. My prayers are for you and a recovery as soon as possible.

Shanna Brandenburger
November 09, 2023

So sorry to read this Graham. My thoughts are with you and your family. I really hope the treatment will be successful.

Mark Selikowitz
November 09, 2023

So sorry to hear. Your advice has always been a great help. I hope you are able to make a good recovery with the treatment you are getting.

November 09, 2023

Hi Graham,

Just read the terrible news and wanted to drop a note.

I have enjoyed your articles and content for the last five years since I got into investing as a 30 something firefighter (not your typical target demographic!)

Not only have I enjoyed your writing but they have really helped me to think about my situation and concentrate on better outcomes for my family. I am extremely grateful for having the opportunity to learn from you.

All the best in the upcoming battle

November 09, 2023

Sending you good Luck Graham!

Good on you for getting it out, you can fight it mate.

November 09, 2023

Thoughts with you and the family Graham. Good luck and keep your chin up, a long time Firstlinks fan

November 09, 2023

wishing you all the best Graham

Michael Sandy
November 09, 2023

very sorry to hear of this news, Graham
your guidance and guidance from the team you have put together has been fantastic
Glioma has a reputation but maybe there is some new immunotherapy...

November 09, 2023

Graham, Very sorry and shocked to hear about you.
I have enjoyed and learnt a lot from your articles. May prayers and best wishes with you.

Vince Hunt
November 09, 2023

Thinking of you and your family Graham, you are a great educator and inspiration for many.

John P
November 09, 2023

Handy So sorry to hear of your health problems. My wife has just gone through breast cancer @ 55 and I know how draining this must be for you and your family. Sending you all the best. John

November 09, 2023

Graham, I am so saddened to hear this. Your weekly intellect, wisdom and storytelling is always something I look forward to every week. I wish you and your family the very best.

Andrew Wilson
November 12, 2023

Life can have so many unexpected twists and turns. Best wishes for a good outcome with your battle.
Andrew Wilson
Perth WA


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