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Your adverse Covid effects and post-pandemic consequences

Our September COVID survey asked readers about what has been personally affecting them during the pandemic and what they think would be the long-lasting effects. We have compared their responses to our COVID survey in April.

What changes are personally affecting you adversely? (multiple responses allowed)

  Apr-20 Sep-20
Loss in investment value and expected income 70.6% 58.5%
Social isolation at home 45.3% 35.9%
Fear of becoming sick 25.6% 18.6%
Increased care load on other family members 10.4% 11.1%
Looking after and educating children at home 9.0% 4.3%
Fear for the future 17.4% 23.9%
Loss of employment 7.5% 6.0%
Mainly, I see this as a good investing opportunity 38.3% 21.4%
Add your coping mechanisms or other comments 17.7% 29.4%

Over half of our September respondents are still reporting declines in investment values and expected income, but this has improved since April when 70% chose this response. However, fewer (21%) are seeing this time as a good investment opportunity than in April (38%).

The fear of becoming sick and feelings of social isolation have diminished in line with Australian case numbers declining as a whole.

Comments on coping mechanisms or other experiences

  • Unable to leave Australia; Wife is unable to visit ageing parents in NZ; Very difficult to visit infirm parents in Victoria
  • This is how the economy works over periods of time. Whatever the cause of a crisis, recessions are normal and should be planned for by investors. We do not know what the trigger will be but we do know there will be economic challenges confronting us.
  • Fear for family members who are at risk of losing their jobs and friends and siblings in other States where covid is in community transmission.
  • Have moved primary residence from NSW to Qld until free travel resumes
  • We are trapped in The Netherlands, (thank Christ) where we live 6 months of the year. However we have a son in Alice Springs expecting our first grandchild in March, and we certainly won't be able to be there when it is born. We have another son in Chicago and we won't see him for the foreseeable future either. 
  • The environment requires cautious management
  • Have been using the time to do many things I have been putting off for's been a very productive time actually
  • Day to day activity hasn't altered at all. I never eat out, I don't enjoy shopping, I have only a few close friends and no family. I'm never bored and always find something to occupy my mind. I take exercise every day and am never lonely. I belong to a club and there is always someone to talk to. However, I am apprehensive about the future as I anticipate social unrest and a lower standard of living and socialist government
  • inability to travel domestically and overseas, incl. family overseas.
  • Fear for how the government can control restrictions to a large degree and it is very destructive.
  • Actually, i don't mind staying at home, and enjoy my garden, internet surfing, relaxing watching DVD'S, and occasional days out with Homecare do my shopping etc. I am in my 80's
  • There are many minor adverse effects on me both personally and commercially. However, these are readily seen in perspective and regarded as simple problems to solve.
  • I think families with young children, working from home and also having to supervise education of their children must be struggling. They are probably not doing their work or children's education very well.
  • Sustained recessions/depressions are very negative for the young & can exacerbate global geopolitical tensions.
  • I go to the office once a week for some companionship plus try to set up a lunch date with someone once a week
  • Reduction of the Covid payment as part of Jobseeker is a real concern - surviving on an even lower payment with no jobs in sight will mean I have no money to spend in my local community, and will be cutting out meals and anything else I can. $300/fortnight paid for the occasional takeaway coffee and other small things (like three meals a day) that I can no longer afford. How did we let this happen?
  • There are always lots of people worse off.  It would be better if we had smarter political leaders and health officials who weren't leading this in isolation from sensible community input.
  • Over all I am not overly affected. Some pluses and some minuses. Coping mechanism is to be aware that things are different and simply adjust - substituting things I am not able to do with things I can do e.g. can't travel overseas or interstate so travel within NSW.
  • Where I live on the Gold Coast most businesses are trading and most people are living much the same way we were previously.
  • Hibernating and plotting the overthrow of Government.
  • As a retired person, I have no chance to work to recover losses.
  • Our future hinges on how well the governments manage health vs economy. If we still have Covid-19 in several years time then we cannot continue with state border closures like we currently have.
  • At the moment I am one of the extemely lucky ones. Secure job and living in Western Australia. I am however fully aware of my good fortune and prepared for the situation to worsen at any time.
  • as i'm retired and fortunately financially independent, I am coping well with lockdown but very concerned about disadvantaged Australians and others badly affected.
  • The US has handled the pandemic very poorly, at least partly because of extremist political interests.  I don't understand why Australian health authorities are following the US on treatment protocols, when the US has so patently mishandled all aspects of the situation.
  • Aged 70+.  Look after ourselves.  Avoid crowds.  Shop when others are not shopping & socialise in small groups.  Dine out in small, preferably open-air uncrowded venues only for lunch.
  • We've also been diverted from the increasingly concerning issue of global warming - and the economic damage it is doing via bushfires, etc... Coping mechanism - Taken up painting (easel, not house renovating ??)
  • Having sold my business last year I am in a very fortunate position and being in Brisbane am not really inconvenienced by Covid 19
  • Sold the (Mortgaged) family Home of 35 years to increase liquidity following loss of super capital and income.
  • Don’t watch the TV so much and get on w the the new life
  • Good mix of exercise & relaxation. Talking with friends.
  • COVID has killed off my job and the long-service-leave holiday I was due to start next week.  Still, I'm in a much better position that millions of other people in Australia and around the world, especially younger ones. 
  • I live in the country where the risks appear lower than cities. Less chance of idiots crowding into pubs and starting the virus up again.
  • We are losing income, but capital has actually risen. Seeing daughter and daughter-in-law struggling with young families is very difficult. Lots of walking. Pray, pray, pray!
  • It’s hard not having anything to look forward to.
  • Zoom webinars, U3A Reading
  • Portfolio is about 5% down, but diversified to provide cash now, yield mid term, and growth for the future. Recently retired, so giving the stategy a test run, successfully so far. All kids remain employed, living in WA, so honestly not much to complain about personally.
  • The virus doesn't worry me in the slightest, since the overwhelming majority recover without even needing treatment.  What worries me more is what the virus is used to justify - i.e. removal of basic human rights, restrictions on travel, etc.  When we start arresting people for 'inciting' others to attend a peaceful gathering, things have gone too far!
  • Inability to travel interstate to see family (border restrictions, transport),
  • don't really care if I get hit by a bus anymore (not that I am exactly stepping in front of them either)
  • Being in WA, not as affected as other states.
  • Very restricted ability to travel, unable to visit family interstate or resume holiday plans.
  • Cannot visit family
  • Some positives include fewer people travelling and less stress on the environment. Also neighborhoods are much quieter.
  • Documented exercise programme pushing for PBs
  • Exercise - running & raising funds for beyond blue to help those worse off than us.
  • I am in an extremely fortunate position where the worst that has really affected me is two cancelled trips (to the fjords of Norway and the coral reefs of NW WA). Hardly something to whinge about, in the circumstances.
  • Largely unaffected personally. Young adult children unemployed bewildered by the political belief in vaccine science and not in climate science wondering how they will pay  for our follies
  • Fear of fascism. 
  • We were prepared financially for a black swan event and were basically unaffected.  We are fit and have no major health issues, as are our children and grandchildren also.  Our friends seem to be coping well.  We count ourselves fortunate.
  • i feel ill, frustrated and angry. i am struggling to have any will left. i am struggling to make a decision about the tiny of things. i get quite emotional over dan's abuses
  • Concern for other people who may lose jobs in the future
  • fear of future government initiatives to pay for current largesse. coping mechanisms include listening to music and meeting with friends online via Zoom etc
  • Living the dream but unable to travel to see WA. ??
  • Isolation from family trapped in melbourne
  • This is a really nasty disease and we need more knowledge to best treat affected people.
  • I was stuck overseas for 5 months longer than intended. I am now in quarantine. I paid 3 times my normal fare and I need to pay for quarantine, all up about $10,000.00 and 19 days travel time lost. Australia will not be safer for locking me and others up or not letting others return, because of the restrictions or costs. If any person that implemented the system had to use it, they would change it immediately. Because some people didn't abide by the home quarantine everybody gets punished. The resources tied up and the incompetent results are complete waste. We see how well Victoria handled the quarantine. My current experience in WA tells me the other states were just lucky...we have to live with this disease we should be spending our resources, efforts and productivity to find solutions instead of trying to postpone the inevitable.
  • Surprised that we are coping well. But we are both fortunate to have kept our jobs and be able to work from home.
  • Church fellowship and Christian message, wife and family.
  • I'm a self-funded retiree so don't face the problems that so many other Australians have.  I live in the far north of isolated Queensland and we are not nearly as affected as fellow citizens in major cities. Thank goodness I love reading!
  • Providing accommodation and crisis support for adult son
  • It hasn't greatly affected my investments or life style. I have to be a bit more careful but this does not cause me great discomfort.
  • I am retired but miss the active socialisation I normally enjoy. I am somewhat bored but tend to spend more time on the computer on various research projects
  • No real effect as I have built up a retirement buffer to cope with adversity. I am active socially in my own bubble.
  • I am optimistic that this too shall pass. Humans are quite resilient and adaptable. We will find a way through this. It might take time but we will prevail. This also won't be the last time we face a crisis like this either so hopefully we learn from it to make the next one easier to beat.
  • As a self funded retiree, I fear for our future financial independence, I fear for the future of my family, We have family in Queensland who we cant visit. However we are still free in NSW, living in an area of community and no recent cases
  • meditation....meditation
  • Yet another hurdle to overcome. Move on.
  • Keeping a daily routine, getting the small things right and looking to optimise outdoor/nature time as much as possible
  • I'm not coping, gaining weight despite daily exercise and becoming cranky, swearing more often, wishing bad things to happen to certain politicians who I see as deliberately harming citizens for their own ends. I'm not sleeping well enough and eating comfort food to ease the pain.
  • minor inconvenience but no significant change in my lifestyle
  • It's all about how you manage the circumstances you find yourself in.
  • The world has changed (and is continuing to change).  Responding and adapting to change is key to avoiding adversity.  Much easier for financially independent people than those with young children and crippling debts.
  • Focus on what you can control - your response to events: life always as ups and downs - my parents lost most of their education during WWII - need to have perspective.
  • Miss family ....facetime and zoom no longer cut it ........ Routine ......Keep walking ........
  • As I am recently retired I find this an opportunity to expand my knowledge on various topics that have always interested me. Finance and health. Also expanding in new hobbies, like going out on my surf ski with a couple of mates.
  • replacing income which has subsided is increasingly difficult
  • Cycling and regular virtual meetings with friends! And, good wine!
  • I am a very keen traveller and should currently be on a tour of the Caucasus, my second trip this year that has been cancelled. I do realise that I am lucky that this is the only way I have been impacted by current events. I did travel to Sydney where my sister and I undertook a mini world tour to Cabramatta so we could pretend we were in Vietnam followed by meals in imaginary Portugal and Italy. We also got to visit London while sitting in a movie theatre. I travelled by train from Canberra, no quite flying but I did enjoy it.
  • Lots of walking, reading the Booker long list and streaming series from Stan, or and adding to the furniture at home. 
  • our family is living all over the country and not being able to visit them is very harsh
  • Overseas travel restrictions both leisure and definitely a business inhibitor.
  • It has provided time for reflection. I will be a better person after the lockdown.
  • Always optimistic about the future, but going stir crazy not being able to travel (even inter-state)
  • I live in post code 2487 = haven't been disrupted too much apart from travel
  • Inability to travel interstate or overseas.
  • Learning more about Fundamental Analysis for Equities
  • A restructure of social activities away from large groups eg gardening (on 2 acres), fishing and bushwalking.
  • Eat and sleep well, avoid indulgences. Exercise as much as possible. Be in regular contact with close family and friends. Use the spare free time well, read more, expand your knowledge base. Maybe even learn a new language.
  • I live in a remote area on the edge of wilderness. Life goes on with minimal restrictions including border restrictions. Coping with hiking, kayaking, fishing.
  • Just keep on going and do the right thing. It surely will end at some time.
  • Isolation was peaceful, did we really have to open up again?  Honestly, I'm lucky enough to say there have been no real adverse affects for me
  • It was mine and my husband's 60th this year so we had big plans. When that all was squashed, we adjusted and got on with it. Life throws stuff at you all the time and resilience is needed to pick yourself up and keep going. People have personal health crisis' all the time and by and large, only close to them know about it. This time we are all in the same position so hopefully the good qualities that come from dealing with a major health event are forged nation-wide. #1 assess what is really important to you and yours; #2 be kind to yourself and to others; #3 prioritise a healthy lifestyle.
  • My main irrational concern is that I'm feeling like I'm stuck on an island (a bloody big island, I agree). At my age (72) I'm wondering how many years I have left to travel O.S. I had/have it as a plan to live O.S. for 6mths to learn a language.
  • Walks in nature regularly (most days) to finish the work day.
  • Regular activity to keep fit,  supportive family, regular social contact with friends and pets.
  • Being a self-funded retiree, the effect has been noticeable but manageable.
  • My wife is coping really well by becoming more involved with her bowls club. Yes ... social distancing ... and importantly, social interaction. Me ... not so well. I have run out of those jobs on the list that my wife started creating when we first married. Sharemarket trading is ""theraputic"". And there is my motorhome which always needs something done.
  • Just retired and ready to hit the road. Well that hasn’t happened so have to anticipate it happening. golf and lawn bowls practice helps pass the time
  • I am in the vulnerable age group with a compromised immune system
  • Avoid the noise from ill-informed commentators that have little if any skin in the market. My prime concern is ensuring there are employment opportunities for young people.
  • Easy as I am an introvert.  The stupidity and hypocritical regulations to follow Covod procedures astound me.
  • Minor effect is less travel, but being old we were trending to less travel anyway.  Major adverse effect is being upset by wash-your-hands panic, so widespread in the community, and leveraged up by politicians and media. 
  • not enough importance is being taken to others aspects of life .  The average person is savvy enough to make their own decisions .   We do not need other (Public Service ) Australians telling us how to live.
  • Cessation of overseas and interstate travel in retirement. Isolated from children living in another state
  • Always look on the bright side of life.
  • Am self funded retiree and more easily able to self isolate.
  • We are retired not worried about our health, not worried about investments, not educating our kids, not caring for elderly parents (they live on a different continent).  What we are worried about is the impact on our young working children (in their 20s) and the increased need for the Bank of Mum and Dad to help out due to their loss of income.  
  • Mindset important. Losing job is terrible, renting is sad. Winners and losers, but very unfair virus, with variable effects from different governments around the world. Morrison slow to react, did not see big picture early, but listened to his medical advisors, vs Trump. Wha a contrast!
  • no significant impacts
  • Compliance and regulation

What will be some sustained consequences of COVID-19 when the crisis is over? Other general comments.

  • Australia in debt forever, will not recover in my lifetime
  • Less need for office space in inner city suburbs.
  • A reluctance to shake hands and hug. Less trust in government and medical modelling.
  • Mistrust of the police; someone has to pay for the debt; inflation? Civil unrest? More inequality? Government has backed itself into a corner with heavy reliance on a yet to materialise vaccine; more polarised society
  • A health crisis will scare many for a long time in the overseas travel sector. It will cause concern in Australia as travelling offshore involves large distances from the safety of home. The Federal response of virtually abandoning Australians overseas is regrettable and a stain on this government.
  • It would be nice to think the crisis will be over and I expect the consequences will be enormous world-wide.  Humanity will face other health threats so international relations will be the most important hurdle and it's also possibly the most difficult.  The Australian Federal Government and State Governments haven't been able to agree so we will need to start there.
  • Expect travel, esp international to be restrained/limited for an extended period - probably until a vaccine is available and widely used as well as ongoing outbreaks under control.
  • Huge ongoing public debt. Major changes to work participation. Further casual is action of the work force. Increased poverty and increase in those that have and those that have not. Further lack of trust in Government and politicians.
  • fragility of economic circumstances
  • Earlier heavier repression of infections putting the world at risk.
  • State premier issues.
  • This depends on whether an effective vaccine is found.  Vaccine - life will return to near normal including travel.  No vaccine - travel and international tourism will continue to be constrained.
  • Economic and mental devastation for millions of people all planned and caused by the CCP!
  • More working from home for some of the time reducing the level of office space required with some reduction in commuting time. 
  • an increase in major illnesses such as cancers because people have been prevented or dissuaded from having checks
  • Work from home part time/work from office part time. Use of anywhere-computing, involving business working off the cloud. Location less important to presence on the World Wide Web. Increasing homelessness and significant displacement of workers who no longer have a job or can get another job. Uncertainty and lack of confidence in Government policy and vision.
  • Bankruptcy delays will add to unemployment and borrowing for small business will become harder and much more regulated.
  • Working remotely/Online shopping. Also, perhaps a lot of people will have a different world view which might be a good thing
  • More work from home
  • International travel will take years to recover.
  • expect that premiers will be require tp provide more advice that action ls legal in respect  to freedom of movement laws and victorian bill of rights is held...premiers will need to explain/justify different treatment of protests...can not believe closings state borders is legal.
  • working from home, masks, avoiding large gatherings, less o/s travel more local, supporting local suppliers
  • Not many for a while for most people. Life will go on as usual for me I suspect
  • Poor economy
  • It would be great to apply some of the covid techniques to other social issues. By that I mean applying strict rules & heavy enforcement to reduce the impact of the following issues which are just as important to people & the economy. eg the road toll, homelessness, older female poverty, obesity. I will let others work out the rules & the enforcement but use your imagination!
  • I fear some loss of freedoms
  • It will take a long time for business activities to pick and for people to find employment.
  • High unemployment for 2-5 years
  • Some business will never recover without substantial assistance. It still costs money to maintain overheads - rental on a lease, business loans, insurances, etc.
  • Higher unemployment due to certain sectors never recovering. People more aware of germs. The handshake maybe dead. High density social gatherings.
  • Dan will stay in government despite his mismanagement and incompetent cabinel. Unfortunately.
  • Higher  vigilance re infectious diseases and need for higher funding for health and monitoring for such.
  • Consumer behaviours will change permanently therefore affecting certain sectors to not recover to pre-covid19 levels. Also spending in general will remain low due to excessive household debt and a wake up call of job security.
  • economic stagnation due to (1) government debt (2) greatly reduced immigration and international students (3) greatly reduced tourism and trade with China [not necessarily in that order]
  • None
  • More work at home , less focus on addressing climate change
  • Different goals and lifestyles Probably
  • Less response from the Premier every day is bullshit.and say the correct number who die from the virus only as others die from other medical conditions
  • if Labor stays in power anywhere it is a disaster they cannot balance all matters that need to be considered
  • Massive debt and a long time for business to recover.
  • more working from home.  less demand for office space. more on-line shopping so bad for malls etc. good for delivery services.
  • It will take a lot longer than two years for the world to recover to pre Covid-19 levels; perhaps as much as 10 years. Apart from that, people forget and they will return to their old ways.
  • I am not sure what you mean by "over" but let's say that we have a vaccine then: - There will still be an aversion to large social events and physical personal contact - Working from home will remain an established option for businesses that didn't previously allow it - Virtual participation will be a permanent option for events and conferences - Overseas travel will be seen by a large share of the population as risky for many years
  • It will take 1- 2 years before self confidence will return in the wider community.
  • WFH normalised, eCommerce doubled, MMT legitimised, national resilience improved (wrt critical supply chains), shift to telemedicine, new respect for medical & teaching staff, thriftiness more valued, ESG issues & investing boosted.  Science more valued.
  • Much greater Govt involvement in the economy. This crisis has broken idealogical positions and will see some elements of MMT such as higher social safety net and possibly a universal basic income. We do need to see real wage growth and a greater share of GDP going to labour.
  • Government Debt
  • Working at home more say 3 days at home, 2 in the office.  Less money spent on business clothes. People hopefully will be more conscience of hygiene and wash hands, gyms will be cleaner thank goodness
  • Unemployment
  • A new acceptance within the community of the benefits of government debt.
  • Due to loss of jobs (and employers who discriminate against older workers), drop in superannuation returns and the ease of taking money from super funds, many people a decade out from retirement will in the future be entirely dependent on the pension, when previously they expected to be either comfortably partially or fully self-funded retirees.
  • Sustained very low interest rates
  • Changes in commuting / office use / shopping / meeting See Economist this week
  • Working from home will be more common
  • More work from home, less respect for dumb, useless political leaders.
  • Some things will change but when have they not?
  • Big box shopping centres, some offices will take many years to recover or find alternative ways to operate. People will have less faith in our politicians and sections of the media. Tourism and hospitality will be rationalised. Aged care issues exiting for years have been highlighted and need urgent attention.
  • Many. I don't believe we will have a fully effective vaccine for a very long time (if ever), so social distancing, isolation from friends and families, travel restrictions (both interstate and international), compulsory or recommended mask wearing in public, etc. will remain in place for long enough to completely change social customs (I hate the elbow tap). Higher taxes are with us for a generation at least, reducing investment returns, take home pay and standard of living. And people generally will be less trusting, more fearful and less tolerant of others. We will eventually adjust to all this, but it won't make us happy.
  • many businesses will not reopen.
  • Government debt levels. More of the hand-out mentality
  • Less use of Public Transport. Lots of small businesses in the CBD will go belly-up cos there will be fewer workers in the CBD as many will be spending at least some of the working week working from home. I think people will eventually see working from home is viable for short bursts but for larger businesses, staff interaction is a vital part of the business.
  • Many businesses will be lost, though others will replace them. Uncertainty will stop many investments. Airfares will increase. Unless a vaccine is discovered, countries will become increasingly insular.
  • When will the crisis be over?
  • Hopefully aged care will be taken from private providers. This pandemic has shown that private providers are only interested in profit.
  • Better hygiene awareness will lessen flu cases. More people working from home. Greater use of technology and e-retailing.
  • Changes in city transport. Commercial real estate downturn.
  • reduced standard of living
  • higher taxes and interest rates
  • house hold savings will continue to rise, reduction in private debt, reduction in international travel
  • Lower dividends. Increase in regional property values. Flattening of city house prices. More working from home.
  • economic recovery will be painfully slow with unemployment high especially affecting younger Australians. national debt will continue to escalate towards or exceeding the one trillion mark. community, consumer and business confidence will remain subdued, more so if there is no effective vaccination
  • Loss of US influence due to political fracturing. Rise of China, taking advantage of US missteps.  Greater market volatility & geopolitical risks. Even greater reliance on seriously flawed monetary policy in encouraging ever-greater debt loads.
  • Wide changes in working habits, more disciplined saving/spending habits, greater interest in Australian made and hopefully greater production in Australia.
  • Decoupling of the world from China.
  • I think people are looking to live, work & play locally, perhaps more tribelike.  Thus whole of lifestyle changes. More self-sufficiency at both national & local levels
  • People will appreciate freedom more
  • I think people will simply be keen to get back to "normal".
  • Mental health and growing conservatism in the young. Less overseas travel into Australia
  • Hard to say, but I expect there will be major changes - political and economic - that are hard to foresee at the moment.
  • The unemployment and under employment of graduates over the next 2 to 5 years will force wages lower, decrease consumption and make young people with high expectations angry. It won’t be a happy camp.
  • We will face a different but better world
  • People working from home more often. Computer use increased ie Telehealth, Zoom for some meetings etc. Reduced overseas travel
  • Higher taxes
  • The effect on the young and jobs will be profound. We need to support their recovery. Will politicians please stop talking about the rot of tax cuts. Let’s face it that we will need increased taxes for the foreseeable future.
  • Lingering distrust of China due to the way it tried to cover up the existence of the virus.
  • - more working from home; less commuting - even more income inequality among individuals and companies - increased support and funding for public health measures  - individuals less keen to take on debt, more likely to have a rainy-day fund - massive government debt and deficits for decades to come
  • More working from home for office workers because remote working is possible. Ideally relocation of jobs that can accommodate remote working to the regions to improve the regions and lower city density (traffic chaos etc) and spread risk. My son is considering moving his family from Melbourne to the Coal Coast in NSW!
  • Fewer small businesses in Victoria!  Exodus to other States. Even more deceit, lies, bullying and mismanagement will be revealed and the hold Chairman Dan has over Victoria will be broken.
  • Investments are overvalued now and will not be able to sustain previous levels of profit/dividends. International travel will be different and likely more expensive. Immigration will be less so growth will be anemic. Eventually the debts of the pandemic will cause issues in longer term.
  • Social distancing, less live events such as concerts and theatre, more expensive to go out because of additional overheads to maintain safe environments.
  • It might make people even more determined to avoid living in aged care. People might spend the money themselves to modify their homes and hire help where they need it. There might be more intergenerational living. Many people are very worried about older relatives overseas and interstate and want to bring them to live with them or nearby. I think there will actually be a lot of people changing address when they can. Some because they have to, a lot of zombie businesses will eventually fold. The recession should also increase separations and divorce.
  • Governments are no longer working together
  • Increased Government debt will require further revenue raising to keep the country afloat, probably tax increases to reduce it, which will take years to get back to pre-Covid levels.
  • More savings put away for a rainy day. Hang out with "positive" people again??
  • Ongoing timidity of many investors.  Increased reliance on online transactions and interactions. There may be a strong negative reaction to incumbent governments.
  • I think commercial real estate and urban domestic real estate will continue to trend down as more businesses become accepting and flexible to working from home or remote work.
  • further loss of confidence in governance, breakdown in social contract
  • Hardest hit industries like tourism and aviation have likely suffered a permanent loss of knoledge and capacity. Employers in these industries will be slow to re-employ.
  • No trust in governments
  • Work from home, less business travel, most agms online only,
  • None if a vaccine is produced
  • Major structural changes as businesses will focus on their core business.  Online activity will force further business restructuring in some key industries
  • The work environment will change (working from home will become a "norm"). Unemployment will remain elevated as the number of people employed will not return to pre-Covid levels as firms have demonstrated that they can "cope" with lower number of staff.
  • Working from home, buying more Australian made, using local shops more, spending more time in our home suburb (cafes, shops, parks, walks), hopefully less traffic as a result.
  • More efficient business models, and in Universities as well.  Long term under employment.... more development of regional areas with business hubs etc. and movement from city.
  • improvement in working arrangements due to the sharp focus on the adverse consequences of the aged cared industry's over reliance on part-time/contract employees
  • Government debt, welfare dependent young adults (true stories of young people quitting apprenticeships etc to get inflated jobseeker), a generation of casual workers who have raped their super.
  • general disappointment at how badly people can behave in crises, shift to more online retail, unfortunately less of a sense of community as people keep the distancing thing going to serve their own ends
  • The crisis will not be over until a vaccine is available.Unless our PM can grow some intestinal fortitude and make the hard decisions we will be in trouble for some years. The government has to find a way to look after the older community,of which I am one,and get on with running the country.
  • More working from home. Greater on line shopping leading to smaller stores.
  • Massive government debt to be repaid. Not sure how printing money works, without the resultant provision of goods or services. Maybe higher taxes and debt burden on future generations??
  • Infection due to business & social contact avoidance measures to remain with attendant costs. Govts will pursue cost recovery. All travel costs to increase. Anti vaxxer issues a bigger problem to resolve.
  • More expensive international airfares.  Slower growth in office prop values (lower space utilisation, as more WFH). EVENTUALLY, inflation upside surprise.
  • Working from home will stay commonplace and this could lead to training, collaborative, social and productivity issues, then the trend will eventually reverse back to offices.
  • The inept management from State governments is going to saddle us with extra unnecessary debt for decades.  This will impact economic growth and result in higher taxes constraining the normal entrepreneurial response out of a crisis.
  • Learning to live with COVID
  • A significant decline in the overall standard of living. An end to the reliance on immigration, both directly and through overseas students, to support economic growth (particularly in Victoria). A gradual return to prosperity through a genuine increase in productivity.
  • People will save more to prepare for future disruption. Spending will dry up.
  • More people working from home. Improvements to aged care.
  • Fear of a new virus. Ongoing health problems related to Covid-19 infection.
  • Changes to workforce patterns for some. Absolute distrust of Victorian Labor, they were bad enough before.
  • Increased out of office working, increased offshoring of roles, development of survival strategies for individuals and family groups akin to US style prepping.
  • More people will look to Govt for financial help and be less self sufficient. Public service will bloat further and increase the gap where they already earn more than 10% more than the average Aust, working from home will result in more jobs exported overseas (if it can be done from home it can be done from India) Reduction in immigrants will mean we can catch up on infrastructure and care more for the environment & climate
  • Financial loss to families with jobs/businesses lost & families having to downsize or move to rental accommodation. Associated family break ups & mental health consequences.
  • Really who knows. Humans have a tendency of reverting to the mean given enough time.
  • Social distancing and people no longer going to work whilst unwell.
  • Consequences of Covid: More debt and money printing. More dependence on welfare from a reduced taxpayer base. Experts tell us that the cost of Covid may be 50x to 500x the cost of prevention. After SARS Singapore constructed a new infectious diseases hospital. Prior to Covid Australia and USA ceased their pandemic planning. Perhaps there is a lesson here. Hopefully there will be more thought given to the consequences of having a wide range of exotic animals caged in close proximity for slaughter in wet markets. The effects of Vitamin D on Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome and the anti-viral properties of copper will hopefully receive more attention than endless discussion of lockdowns, social distancing, case numbers, handouts, etc. It could be interesting to see what the reaction will be when the next more contagious and more deadly virus comes along.
  • Move to abolish States
  • Ways of working / delivery of services will likely change quite significantly and demands for various goods and services are likley to change at the margins. It's possible many people will look at the rat race they were running before COVID and decide to run a different race after. I wonder, and hope actually, whether China has shot itself in the foot with it's blundering response to COVID initially ( I don't think we would have had a pandemic if they hadn't messed their responses in December 2019) and then being super-aggresssive after. I suspect they need us more than we need them and that we (ie being everyone not-China) will be mightily cautious about trading with China for maybe decades to come.
  • Unemployed graduates from 2019 and 2020 and beyond.
  • Who knows. Travel overseas to visit children/family is a concern, let alone visiting children in Victoria from NSW
  • People realising how incompetent and self-serving State Premiers are.  Hopefully this will result in more power in federal government hands.
  • Personally, I am more concerned with actions of the belligerent Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party which seem likely only to get worse in future.  This threat to our national well-being could be with us for many years while COVID will become a distant memory in a couple of years.
  • Answer to 8. includes super. Down more on individual holdings
  • Business travel down;
  • Probably not a great deal as the world has been here before and will be again.  Humans will adapt and following generations will not learn the lessons.
  • Change in amount of business travel. Change in use of retail and office space
  • we will never eradicate the disease nor will we get a vaccine. are we going to be shut down by nanny governments every time some one gets sick. are we never going to get a hug again. are they going to make us wear masks forever. if we had the let the disease run it's course we would probably be over it and probably get some level of vaccine similar to other influenzas and with fitter people getting the disease we would have refined better ways to treat it
  • Minimum wage jobs may take time to come back - hospitality people already have it tough.
  • Further lack of confidence/faith in our political class.
  • A lot of people will have accessed and wasted their super.  So as well as long term debt, the country will have higher pension payments to make as more people will not have provided adequately for themselves.  Unfortunately I think the people who have done the right thing and saved will have their wealth raided by future governments to pay for those who have not - all in the name of "equity".   A universal pension would be a fairer system rather than continually rewarding those who are irresponsible.
  • Long term health problems for those who have had covid19, perhaps not appearing for a number of years, impacting on our already strained health system.High unemployment for a number of years.Increase reliance on the welfare system by the unemployed and self-funded retirees moving to the aged pension as a result of loss of dividends and zero interest rates. Self -funded retirees have received no help by government during the pandemic
  • One would hope that a sustained period without unnecessary spending on extravagances will have a lasting effect and that funding lifestyles via debt is replaced by living within one's means and saving for greater self-reliance in any future crises
  • Certaunly there will be a more of the blame game. Scotty needs to work to bring states together - realky unfair bullying Vic.
  • Possibly younger citizens will have a grudge/less patience with retirees concerns
  • Cities will be reshaped(positively) via flexible working options and the use of technology.
  • We will learn to live with Covid as with other diseases. there will probably not be a silver bullet to solve the crisis. living comes with risks. Smart people attempt minimize risks to acceptable levels. Incompetent people live in fear and overreact.
  • More work from home, lower incidence of cold/flu due to improved containment practices
  • Still to early to say if some habit changes will stick after the pandemic is over. For us, shopping for groceries online, trying new alternative online shops and working from home are likely to stay. Even when this pandemic is over, we need to assume that a similar one can happen in the future.
  • Lingering worry leading to slow improvement in activity
  • Self-distancing will become the norm.  Older people will be reluctant to enter crowded places, leaving those to the young ones.  Much of the fun in life is likely to be gone for good. 
  • awareness of how infections spread, consequent modification of behaviour, and thus lower incidence of diseases such as influenza and the common cold. International travel could be permanently constrained. Work from home and video-conferencing could become imbedded leading to effects such as lower requirements for public transport, road/rail infrastructure, office accommodation. Greater reluctance to mix in crowded, confined places such as public transport and lifts.
  • I think there are some people who are extremely selfish and all they can think is about themselves (because of the imposed lockdowns) rather than looking at the greater good/health of the communities in where we live.
  • Changes to office working arrangements and to business travel. Changes to Australian tourism. Adverse impact on once popular cruising. Sustained higher unemployment than what we have become used to. Households that have been severely impacted by the damaged economy will be spending less but those that have been less affected may move to more of a catch up or preparedness to better enjoy life by spending more and saving less.
  • 2030 has been brought forward a decade and most investors are simply not thinking that way
  • Change is behaviour as experienced by the generation raised in the Depression of the 1930s. There will be a greater fear of over borrowing. Asset values will be diverse in different sectors. Housing values will fall, as will retail investment properties. Commercial properties will boom as we move to online. Major non food retailers will struggle and many will die. There will be a shift from old businesses and brands to new agile brands which will disrupt big businesses like banks and retailers. It will take a decade to recover and that is the factor that will most affect the emerging generation (30+) in their behaviour.
  • Government debt
  • I believe protectionism will increase as countries have a rethink on strategic issues and supply chains. Globalisation might be more at risk.
  • I think the working from home will last about 3 years and office dwelling will return.
  • Consciousness of Health and Cleanliness will be a positive, Maybe we will need to be more frugal, Society may suffer greatly as much of our culture and lifestyle have been impacted. People may become more isolated in society
  • good hygiene
  • Like all major events in history, we will eventually get over Covid-19, but certain aspects will change forever such as huge advancements in technology and workplace logistics.
  • Much what we have taken for granted will be modified. Less CBD office workers. More reliance on local/Australian products than overseas. More distrust of China’s imperial motives.
  • Positive preparedness for the future. Still contemplating the plethora of lifestyle and societal / economic changes.
  • Higher social welfare and mental health costs. Social unrest, elevated petty crime. Lingering mass unemployment, especially amongst those over 45 who have lost their job recently. Growing government budget deficits for decades. Reluctance of many businesses to invest due to depressed demand and poor financials. China dominates our region. The US becomes less relevant as it can't afford to be the world's policeman any more.
  • even greater inequality of wealth and incomes. some people will have adopted healthier and more rewarding lifestyles but many will have a very poor quality of life and no prospects for improvement. home ownership levels will continue to decline but investors in residential real estate will receive minimal or negative returns for many years to come.
  • Much higher air fares, less demand for office space due to working from home. Reluctance to travel to Qld and WA after their border closures.
  • A new awareness of health issues and their potential impact around the world, new ways of working, increased focus on technology in the workplace.
  • More people working from home for at least part of the week
  • No sustained change
  • Risk taking & entrepreneurship will lessen - state governments & in particular in Victoria have penalised rather than rewarded risk takers & entrepreneurs
  • High unemployment, increased crime, there will be a marked population shift out of Victoria to QLD as happened in the 70's,  fall in house prices generally, mortgage default, depression in Victoria, bankruptcies, CBD will contract and lose small businesses, change of care plates to "Victoria-Marxist State"
  • Hopefully more kindness and cleanliness.
  • Unfortunately, many small and medium size Businesses will not recover from COVID-19. Other Businesses may take years to get back to pre-COVID-19 operatgions.
  • We will have more cautious psyche than before COVID-19, which will influence our selection of discretionary activities.  We will work from home more and use public transport less.  We will use telecommunications more and travel less (especially for business) and only a fraction of the revenue lost by the travel industry will flow to telecommunications providers.  We will shop online more and this will impact logistics.  Many pre-COVID business models will no longer deliver.  "No human touch" requirements will accelerate AI development and deployment with consequences for employment.
  • Working from home. Less overseas travel. Hopefully more manufacturing in Australia - but I doubt it
  • A change in attitude re places of work ie working from home and the effect this will have on commercial and housing construction.
  • Education, transport, OS travel, CBD living
  • Increased debt burden / taxes, higher unemployment, probably higher inflation.  Lower real wealth and increased wealth disparity will increase risk of national conflict and social issues.  Politicians will continue to use conflict to hide poor performance. We need real, productive reforms and policies.  And competent people in leadership roles.  Seems unlikely.
  • Slower economic growth, lower property prices but with inflation.
  • More people continuing to work from home.
  • Time frame - medium ...public transport , theatre , cinema , restaurants are OUT for me - long.... without a vaccine/ or demonstrable treatment .....who knows ...its NOT possible to simply live with it in my age cohort = over 70
  • Number of closed business' and higher levels of unemployment
  • Hygiene.
  • unemployment, higher levels of community anxiety and poverty.
  • Masks in summer. More WFH will mean all kinds of adjustments in offices etc. Would like to think closed borders and no immigration might lead to a catch up in infrastructure, but doubt 12 months will make any difference.
  • gov budget
  • Higher unemployment. Companies unwilling to take risks
  • C-19 has largely exacerbated/quickened pre-existing trends; eg, more flexible working arrangements, online shopping, but also, unfortunately, inequality.
  • Destruction of many small businesses
  • Better hygeine, more rational house pricing and preferences with a de urbanisation trend, realignment of priorities
  • Some of those who've suffered from the disease will have long-term unpleasant side effects which may draw on health system.  Hopefully, we will still practice some form of social distancing & mask wearing as I believe the virus will linger longer than the shut-downs. 
  • hygiene practices will be more natural and often, there will be more community sticking together to get through issues , more zoom meeting rather than physical meetings etc
  • We will have to adapt and learn to live with this virus nationally and internationally. I suspect the vaccines being developed will have a significant impact but will not be a panacea. Remote working will lead to a global workforce for certain occupations ( and lower or suppress wage rates for these role in Australia), and reshape lifestyles, built communities, cities, and logistics.
  • More work from home. Decline in real estate value (more pronounced in commercial). Increased on-line shopping. Changing political allegiances.
  • General social idiocy for a number of years slowly fading away to normality as CV-19 becomes accepted as normal as flu.
  • Lack of confidence. Second order effects as households have less money. More widespread redundancies.
  • Severe recession. Govt then prints money and inflame become an issue. International travel will be both difficult and expensive. Hospitality, travel jobs decimated. All govts become widely unpopular and voters turn to outsiders who promise s return to good times.
  • Many businesses will close and jobs lost. People will be too scared to open new ones. Job / income security devastated. A generation of kids disengaged from learning and consigned to failure. Every “crackpot” theory now seems more reasonable. Complete loss of faith in political and bureaucratic classes. Especially the left and Labour. Australian Commonwealth government needs to be able to override the States especially in an emergency.
  • Our lifestyle will not be as free as what it used to be. Government and public servants (experts) have made right and wrong decisions during COVID-19, hopefully they can learn from this.
  • Jobseeker base rate (before the covid supplements) needs a substantial increase. This will boost the economy much more than a tax cut, which will just be saved by those who are more well off.
  • There will be sustained distrust in the community towards certain areas and groups.
  • General uncertainty about the future. Economic and political power shifts and further fragmentation of rich versus poor peoples and nations
  • Focus on disease as an inclusive world phenomenum ? Geopolitical unrest ? eg China has done very well out of this catastrophe
  • Higher long term unemployment.  A new class of permanently unemployable. More emphasis on tertiary training for jobs, skills etc not just for a degree.
  • Inflation/stagflation.  A greater acceptance of staff working from home for a few days per week which, if true, will lead to a sustained move to regional centres for improved lifestyle options.
  • Commercial Real Estate will never recover. Travel, hospitality, etc. will struggle to get back to where they were. Inflation and continued unemployment are likely. Relationships with China will continue to deteriorate, with war being a real possibility.
  • The weaker businesses will be destroyed and the strongest will benefit.  While overall this is bad for society, it is also great for those who invest in the strongest businesses.
  • Probably a reduction in the number of times I visit crowded places.
  • More awareness of good hygienic practices. A stronger appreciation of freedom and liberties.
  • More people working from home. More people shopping online.
  • Population have a short memory. Things will return as to how it was before Covid-19.
  • Huge debt to be paid off. The goverment will be into my pocket in some manner.
  • Greater numbers working from home, less flu/cold/other virus transmission, risk aversion and higher savings, technological shifts, borderless work, reduced travel,
  • international travel will change
  • more digital use such as e-commerse, on line meetings, thus less business travel, digital health monitoring & advice. Geo political issues & de globalisation trends. The world looks less safe.
  • I will be poor
  • Repaying the massive Govt debt. Finding jobs for people
  • Drawn out economic impact, particularly on those who were in casual employment and who have lost their jobs.  Otherwise, we are likely to quite quickly forget everything we should have learned from this episode.
  • Hopefully many people use the changed environment to learn, forge, develop, new skills. It would be great if people did start to do a lot more food preparation in the home and enjoy being with each other rather than constantly seeking external stimulation. A return to a simpler way of life. But people will likely quickly revert and society will be back on the pre-CV treadmill before we can blink.
  • Systemic damage to small businesses. The suicide rate now officially predicted to be 15% higher by 2024.  That's about 460 additional suicides every year.
  • I think there will be some benefits: Younger workers will be more flexible than I was when I was their age. Resrictions put in place by employers and workers alike in ho, where and when we work will be more relaxed. -ve for this could be that more work will be outsourced to cheaper countries. Governments/companies will look at supply chains and build more/process more here and be less reliant on China fo supply.
  • Improved work flexibility / work from home ability resulting in better life balance.
  • Higher umemployment
  • Encouraging people to save more.
  • Unemployment, mental health, loss of schooling
  • More working from home, more online shopping. Huge government debt which will take generations to repay.
  • Increase in working from home and online purchases
  • More working from home, less trust in government and police.
  • Higher saving rate. Higher unemployment affecting youth and elderly.
  • High unemployment due to business failures
  • The disabled, the poor, the lazy and the incapable will continue to be affected.
  • Post COVID, people will work from home much more than they did previously.   This has lifestyle and environmental benefits.  Children will see more of their parents.    However, another consequence will be a mountain of public debt that our children will be required to repay one way or another.   Also, hopefully the Ponzi scheme of housing in Australia will falter (though many many experience great hardship if this occurs). 
  • I'm hoping that Australians will develop more of a savings culture rather than consuming for the sake of it. Some rigour and frugality would not go astray
  • Working from home will be come more valued by both parties. Our nephew has done this for 20+ years, going to the office only on Monday's.
  • Will change work and commuting patterns, possibly forever. Over-importance of CBD proximity in housing, will diminish. Properly designed home studies will become a new, interior design feature. More people will hopefully be aware of carrying a cash "emergency fund" in the future. Overall, I think the positives will comfortably outweigh the negatives on the other side of Covid19.
  • Overseas trips will be more expensive as keeping passengers safe will require different protocols. People will be more wary of travellers
  • It will be years before the economy and society returns to anything approaching pre-covid times
  • Changed patters of spending by consumers and shift in ways of working.
  • The political scene especially in Victoria will change substantially. The next Victorian election is 2 years away and Federal election 18 months away and I expect there will be a significant rise in minor parties in Victoria as unhappy people seek to vent their displeasure. Victoria is a stronghold for Labour and I believe at least one if not both elections will give a stinging rebuke to Labour. On the employment side I believe we will have higher long term unemployment which will mean lower immigration levels as the Federal Government will have to be careful on who it lets into the country, it will want people who create jobs not those that compete for the limited available jobs. This will also impact the refugee program as these people are often poorly skilled.
  • Travel reduced for foreseeable future
  • The whole virus situation is here to stay forever and we need to plan for the next incursion by a virus and put in place a sensible plan both at a personal level and government level.  We can all take steps to help ourselves and thereby lessening the aid needed by governements.
  • Adverse impact on small businesses (especially here in Victoria). Adverse impact on young people (less job opportunities & lower quality of education due to home learning). 
  • Interrnational travel will be much more restrained
  • Many people will reassess things such as being able to continue working from home and possibly moving away from crowded cities as a better lifestyle choice. Businesses will embrace Zoom type meetings to save travel time and expenses. More smart casual clothing will be acceptable overall. Hopefully, more family time, cooking at home, exercise and better lifestyle decisions. Children will have instilled better hygiene and subsequently pass this on to other generations. 
  • Huge government debt, the permanent shutdown of many previously viable businesses, long term financial and mental health implications, particularly for those who cannot find adequate employment.
  • There will be a population hesitancy to join mass audience events for a long-time to come.
  • work from home will be more prevalent, low financial returns ongoing, uncertainty in general
  • Ensuring employment opportunities for young or unskilled people. 
  • Better hygenie.  Less infections from blisters and cuts.   Due to more hand washing
  • longterm increase in unemployed and a scarred young generation
  • Loss of trust in governments, growing tribal society
  • Extra govt. restrictive burdens on business past their use by date will slow recovery. Bureaucrats will hate to loose the control of the hoi poloi. It is manna from heaven as is evidenced by Multi millions collected in fines and they will fight to the death to retain this new form of control  ( See novel 1984 re George Orwell written in 1946).
  • Western political systems were going down the toilet anyway.  COVID-19 has brought that crisis so much closer. 
  • Jusst how corrupt and out of touch is every government agency in Australia .
  • Society will be less open, travel less, more health conscious.
  • See previous comment about predictions.
  • Inflation when money supply becomes excessive
  • Increased need for national self- reliance
  • Would like to see better recognition needs health industry. More funds for aged care. The use of more online learning where experts can deliver courses.
  • Once the Covid-19 crisis is over, life will be normal. The unemployment will drop and the economy will start to recover.
  • General economic depression, from traditional economic measures to such things as consumer confidence. Hopefully, in what I personally believe is a postive, from this pandemic and moving forward we will see reduced population growth and fewer immigrants into Australia.
  • A greater awareness of the importance of physical space and hygiene.
  • Increased loss of personal freedoms.
  • Reluctance of people to travel, eat out, go to movies and events etc
  • Poverty, loss of opportunity and children growing up differently to what may have happened. Bankruptcy by many with depression following. Similar to influenza pandemic 1918-20.
  • I would hope that people realise that you need to have a decent amount of money set aside for living expenses should your income stop due to government decisions.  The amount of people who only have access to enough cash for a few weeks/months without being in financial trouble is staggering.
  • faster shift to online activity- decline in bricks and mortar retail, less overseas students. increase in nationalism, racism
  • requires too detailed a response for this type of survey
  • Depressed economic growth and share market.
  • Increased risk aversion and less consumer confidence in the community for at least 2 years and possibly longer
  • Overseas travel
  • Personal debt levels have decreased in the whole, which is a good thing. But recessions bring unemployment and business and consumer confidence could be down for years.
  • Loss of self confidence among the average person. The legacy of the federal government putting the economy ahead of the lives of the elderly, will stain the country forever.
  • Less need for office space.



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