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14 February 2025
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Jonathan Hoyle, CEO, Stanford Brown: "A fabulous publication. The only must-read weekly publication for the Australian wealth management industry."
John Egan, Egan Associates: "My heartiest congratulations. Your panel of contributors is very impressive and keep your readers fully informed."
Don Stammer, leading Australian economist: "Congratulations to all associated. It deserves the good following it has."
Please click on the relevant year to read all editions from that year.
Christmas greetings and final edition for 2013, SMSFs as wholesale investors, sustainability and profits, super splitting and Australian gas.
Too much choice, a beginner's guide to QE, Adele Horin on retirement, SMSF borrowing strategies, member engagement, bank hybrids and income funds.
More Caveat Emptor, Chris Cuffe on the state of our industry, know your manager, performance fees, great returns in 2013 and Quality Investing.
Financial literacy test, fixed income investing, qualitative easing policies, your digital life, and Q&A on annuities.
Better post-retirement planning, the QE party, Australia with the PIIGS, innovate or stagnate, Happy Birthday $A float, and when super started.
Phil Ruthven, Jack Gray, Lyndsay Maxsted, Kerr Neilson and great lessons from conferences in Boston, Macau and Sydney.
Are we in bubble trouble? Top 10 small cap tips. Emerging markets. Real client experiences. Index v active readers' responses.
Index versus active, ASIC disclosure on hedge funds, your estate and your super, the case for death duties, and satisfaction with super.
Dark pools, the best in post-retirement, analysing general insurers, the mining boom, RBA on FX, super and SMSFs, and super satisfaction.
Insider views on previous collapse, "I don't know" can be best, more from an age pension, and behavioural effect on annuities.
Draw a pension while you're working, valuing residential property and how our super could meet the global standard.
Property costs higher than you think, US has previously defaulted, lifetime annuities, a look at China and Deloitte on superannuation.
Worries about US Government shut-down, learn from Buffett, watched for stretched valuations, managed funds still rule SMSFs and the view from London.
Hold the champagne that's not a recovery, more on Ben Graham, benefits of lifetime annuities, life insurance costs to rise and smart beta.
Ben Graham's three enduring principles, managing credit risk, rising oil prices and shares, and how the Senate voting worked ...
Invest like Buffett and retire? bond credit risk, not all lifecycle funds are the same, more Buffett from Bill Gates, and a super fix needed.
Roger Montgomery on balance sheet write-offs, ATO targets SMSFs, and finding a skilled manager.
ASIC's Peter Kell on FOFA and the 'five red flags', where to now for term deposit investors, and more ...
Unconventional ideas from five heavy-hitters: Montgomery, Stammer, Vamos, Owen and Colley.
Testing Warren Buffett's theory, tax-effective bequests, commercial property, irritating definitions, IBISWorld on super, once in a lifetime returns.
Greg Perry on insider trading, a new dimension on smart beta, changing fortunes of LICs, consumer sentiment and investing, and financial education.
Roger Montgomery on valuing companies, emotions in investing, underperforming fund managers, default funds needed and a bond guy's view of equities.
Thanks for completing our Survey. Where to for gold? leadership v consensus, technology and advice, lessons from bank default history and Sir Richard.
SMSFs must be 'industrial strength', economic growth and stock markets, super through different eyes.
Chris's opinion on risk, the paradox of living longer but working less, individualised super fund reporting, and managing for real returns.
Risks in term deposits | Australia's relies less on exports than we think | What retirees want | A good life balance.
End of year tax planning | Taking the Oath | Behavioural investing | Inflation kills returns | Global fund flow trends.
Unique ideas to challenge your thinking on retirement spending, your 'sphere of risk', a fat-tail world, the tax you pay and bonds v equities.
Interview with Keith Ambachtsheer, Michael Porter's Shared Value, get your tax treatment right, the importance of real returns, and investment rules.
Exclusive interview with Burton Malkiel, Phil Ruthven on retiring, and how I manage money.
Leadership lessons from Sir Alex Ferguson, exclusive with Nobel Laureate Harry Markowitz and Don Stammer on balanced budgets.
Exclusive: Nobel Laureate Harry Markowitz, APRA stings public super funds and SMAs, Value of accounting businesses, Peer reviews.
More superannuation reforms needed, Benefit of delaying retirement by one year, Gold since 1860, Social Benefit Bonds, Capital allocation.
The most important thing: what's your investment horizon? Focus on compounding, every investor is unique.
Weekly Newsletter, SMSFs and property warnings, Lifecycle funds, Retirement ages, Realistic investment strategies,
Should we worry about government debt? Where UNPRI is heading, opportunities in Listed Investment Companies, real estate auction results and complexity behind last week's pension changes.
Changes announced today, fixing this super debate, addressing the misinformation, bringing banks and large super funds closer, easier access to alternatives, and what is a 'hedge fund' and why does it matter?
Mark Twain and rhyming markets, 32 years of performance data, so you think you're rational? and small v large caps.
Shareholder activism, setting a financial plan, putting the 'self' into Self-Managed Super Fund, understanding residential aged care and mortality risk.
Bond funds versus term deposits, transition to retirement pensions, Dr Jack Gray with some practical business principles, the benefits of being a small investor, and gold.
A focus on important risks that are often overlooked, such as gearing, sequencing, diversified income and career-related. Plus the major disruptions and opportunities in wealth management.
Jeremy Cooper updates his views on super and retirement, plus Don Stammer on super losing its lustre, worries in demographic trends, portfolio diversification, watch for 'skill or systemic' in outperformance, and new video.
Paul Keating on company tax and imputation, a critique of APRA's Standard Risk Measure, do we really need super?, self managed super's best kept secret, insurance essentials and calculating performance.
Paul Keating on SMSFs, what financial advice is worth paying for, speculating versus investing, the government deposit guarantee myth, and superannuation essentials.
Paul Keating on longevity risk, surprising calmness in markets, franking credits and tax, new rules on financial advice, lifecycle theory, and events that will shape 2013.