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13 February 2025
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Please click on the relevant year to read all editions from that year.
When I'm 64 but has investing changed? Hamish Douglass Part 2, Christmas Grinches, get the Health Card, precarious predictions, REITs, fixed income.
Hamish Douglass explains and warns, Don Stammer X-Factor, Noel Whittaker 10 tips, big global trends for 2022, sell home for aged care, fixed interest.
20 punches for the long term, retirement good news, small stocks with big futures, 5 biotech trends, gold and inflation, three pillars, banks thrive.
Munger, Sohn star picks, FAANG fade, SMSF stats, multi-asset investing, next big thing, dodgy SMSF stats, Montgomery, reader tips, three big prices, infrastructure, green hydrogen, property claims.
Political pain, investing changed for many, advice for newbies, next generations, where to for LICs, bank gold stars, Westpac buyback, rebalancing.
You decide, is this time different? starting points matter, 10 key themes for 2022, pricing power, SMSF lump sums, Aussie banks, China regulatory reform.
Not-so-Super global ranking, ETFs' DNA, managing decumulation, super industry concentration, private debt, decarbonisation, logistics property.
Douglass and Lowy chat, stagflation, RBA lets go of control, bond yields, the 60/40 mix, SuperStream for SMSFs, and COVID-led resignations.
Housing in retirement, price survey, boomers v FHB, APRA, behavioural bias, corporate bonds opening, cash is king for equities, 10 EM trends.
Market and RBA disagree, consultant and advice fees, Montgomery's themes and tips, global trade, active funds, life expectancy, define sophisticated.
RBA switches tack, bubbles, super fund letters, EVs 9 companies and 4 minerals, valuing Tesla, Microsoft multiples, 5 value chains, super for wealthy.
House price falls, 5 charts on who we are, 9 business tips from David Gonski, investors underperform, LVMH luxury, ransomware threat, energy crunch.
10 ways to control house prices, Eslake's sorry saga, Jacob Mitchell's lessons, is tax-free super fair? never Evergrande, forecasting value, podcast.
Joe Hockey on geopolitics and investing, equities with less risk, Montgomery's tipping point, no rate rise until 2024!, survey results, demographics.
Bank problem fix thanks, survey on welfare test, Sean Fenton interview, FY21 stock winners, Coles goes 'Down Down', new podcast, Managed Accounts.
Wet streets cause rain, dot and triangle lessons, ASX longest run, when you retire, covet thy neighbour's house, Lewis and Inkster books, inflation.
Future Fund and Jerome Powell assets, Markowitz's 'aha', house prices to fall, Christian Baylis chat, super test fail, a decade of gold, podcast.
5 stocks that worked well, franking credit clarity, tax reform favourites, thematic ETFs, new trading services, EMs primed, First Home Super Saver.
3 forever best tables, Emma Fisher's stocks, Noel's TBC, 6 SMSF tips for FY22, Ruthven, investor changes, RBA dove Fed hawk, luck v skill, podcast.
Your retirement survey results, 6 COVID stocks, bonds v shares, do nothing is good advice, new property megatrends, Ezra comments, reporting season.
Douglass on corrections and crypto, Buffett on fair society and luck, work until death, Reader Survey on retirement, commercial property, 10 big ideas.
Retirement spending as income, new dividend sources, tips for 10-baggers, Japan and Olympic investing, 5 Virgin bond lessons, where to for 60/40?
Platinum's 4 big ideas, try a faux-retirement, a sufficient-income portfolio, top stocks in podcast, Lucy Turnbull, inflated inflation, loan funds.
Noise and what the hell is water, 3 reg risks facing big tech, IGR misleads on super, retirement spending, best Aussie banks, best-in-class, buy tech.
How to plan retirement spend, new podcast, why big techs are value, test will kill funds, FuturePay, active rebalancing, EV switch, fund acronyms.
Australia in 2060, dividend stocks, 5 rules for LICs, house price boom and bank boon, building global equities, case for gold, income in retirement.
New podcast with Peter Warnes, YFYS super reforms, death of allfinanz, how inflation hits assets, returns in 2021, under-the-bonnet, HNWs, players.
5 quality small and mid caps, overlooked property gains, LICs delivering in COVID, inflation genie bottled, not so plastic fantastic, poor proxy rule.
(ETFs v LICs)=(Marvel v Star Wars), cheap tech stocks, copper high, baby bust, EOFY SMSF, will inflation last?, cosmic forces and MMT.
Grantham exclusive interview, Padley on miners, Montgomery, inflation and shares, buy high sell low early super access, keys to wealth and goals.
Dogfooding and investing, CBA $100, valuing growth, crypto explained, Pension Loans Scheme to self-funded, China plan, stewardship, $18b aged care.
Next big thing, Noel's best and worst plus budget hype, six crisis lessons, major bank results, baby boom, more risks off-the-plan, value's comeback.
Budget black to red, off-the-plan defects, Stammer on inflation, higher prices miss CPI, Madoff to Aussie retail, LIC dividends, SMSF reserving.
Buffett AGM on stock picking, stronger equity markets, our skewed economy, multi year transition, key trends in decarbon, positive impact themes.
5 timeless investing lessons, Montgomery's 4 juicy themes, mad on Super League, property and bond yields, stop the churn, petshop galahs and Bitcoin.
Buffett Indicator v all-in equities, next after +77%, Biden's sugar hit too far, corporate loans for income, Ralston responds, changing super focus.
Risks in your 60/40, most super runs out, hitting 5%, rebalancing, bond equity correlations, a year in hybrids, China trends, how to sell shares.
Make your super survive you, listed residential property, growth of retail investing, innovation wrap, five EM pointers, not-so-super test.
Hot cross buns and funds, RIR's Ralston on accessing home equity, Knox on sidecar for super, active fund wins, retirement strategies, new 1 July rules.
Celebrating 400 editions with 45 best investment ideas, Bernard Salt on your retirement, best price offer combines Premium access with Sharesight.
5 new trading strategies, Marks on No Price Too High, retirement equity, 6 tips for 2030, China risk, social media's impact on markets, The Gambler.
Julie Bishop tells, 4 bubbly pockets, Buffett letter, why forecast? 3 income themes, passive risks, QE and inflation, Douglass on virus mutants.
Super's two new buzz words, Montgomery froth v bubble, great Aussie recovery a coiled spring, gold v Bitcoin, is Oz turning Japanese, bond offset.
Marcus Padley on a dog's life for analysts, bubble trouble, value v growth, global v Aussie, FANMAGs, young investors, aged care, defensive equities.
RBA spoils retiree income, Jane Hume on super, decumulation changes, consumer stock picks, Marks and tax, financial advice, retirement strategies.
Why $100bn in ETFs? Retirement portfolio rebalance, higher rates and equities, attack and defense, inequality and taxes, whither Europe and GameSpot.
Reddit v hedge to the moon on diamond hands, 7 charts to watch, record property prices, retiree struggles, WFH v office, innovation wrap, IPO bounce.
Loving stock stories and funds, Buffett win and lose, themes for 2021, investors Breaking Bad, retiree SG increases, buying banks, home affordability.
Biden bounce, income from shares, retiree benefits, new US/China front, how fund managers build FUM, gold outlook, cut out the 'millionaire'.
Watch your collapsibles, best and worst funds, Noel on patience rewarded, Grantham on the bubble, inequality and investing, how did your stocks go?
24 top tips for 2021, most viewed of 2020, market outlook and new visions for Australia, COVID investing lessons, post-retirement framework.